13.12.24 Weekly News!

We have had a wonderful week in Year 5! We are incredibly proud of the skills that Year 5 have used and shown in their English work this week. We had great fun in our Thematic Big Fat End of Term Quiz, the children showed their outstanding knowledge of their Stargazers learning. Please read on to find out what we have been up to and what’s happening next.
This week, we have started to write our own science fiction stories. We have planned and gathered our initial ideas for our science fiction stories. We have looked at what makes a good story and written the beginning. Next week, we will be finishing our stories
In Maths this week, we have been learning about volume and capacity. We have estimated and measured different volumes and capacities and finished the week with converting and word problems. Next week we will be looking at mass and using Christmas objects to compare mass.
This week, we completed our Big Fat End of Term Quiz! We also researched the Moon landings. Next week, we will be learning all about the importance of Muhammad and stories about his life.
Love to Learn
Love to Learn, can you design and make your own Christmas decoration for your classroom. Bring them in as soon as you would like to make our classrooms festive.
Christmas Party
On Thursday 19th December Year 5 will have a party in the afternoon. Children can come into school in their own clothes, please be mindful that play and Sports Slam will still be happening Thursday morning. Please can we ask, if you can bring in the following items for the party on Thursday:
Red Roman - Crisps
Blue Vikings - Sweet treats (such as, cakes, brownies, biscuits etc.)
Green Normans - Savoury (such as, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, dips, sandwiches, quiche.)
Yellow Saxons - Fruit or vegetables (such as, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, grapes, apple slices etc.)
Important Dates
17th December – Year 5 and 6 Church performance at 10am
19th December – Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas party day (party clothes to be worn)
20th December – Christmas jumper day (children can wear usual school uniform with a Christmas jumper)
20th December – School Christmas dinner
20th December – Last day of school; School finishes at 2pm; No after school club on this day
From the Year 5 Team
Miss Issac, Mrs King and Mr Cook
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