The School Day
7:30 - Breakfast Club begins
Pedestrian gates are opened at 8:20
8:30 - Classroom doors open and the school day begins. Children come in to classes and complete early morning work activities and routines (reading book changes etc.)
8:45 - Doors close and registration
8:55 - Assembly
English and Maths lessons, including Read, Write Inc. in Reception and Year 1 take place in the morning
KS1 and Reception playtimes are flexible but a 15 minute playtime will take place between lessons
KS2 Break time 10:45 - 11:00
Lunch Break 12:00-1:00
Afternoon sessions will cover a range of curriculum areas
KS1 children will have an afternoon playtime
PE afternoons - each year group will have an afternoon for PE and one term will be for swimming lessons (Years 3-6),
The end of the school day is 3:15
After school club runs from 3:15 until 6:00