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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Information Sent Home


Please see below copies of information and messages sent out via email & through


Tuesday 4th March

Next Viking Holiday Club – Easter Half term

 Week one- Monday 7th April -Friday 11th April

Week two- Monday 14th-Thursday 17th April

Venue will be Chilton Primary School

Wake-and-shake is back!!

Tomorrow morning, please come and join us on the playground where we will get the blood flowing and prepare ourselves for the day. I will be there with Mrs Reavill, either just for a chat or discuss something specific. There will be tea, coffee, hot chocolate and even special biscuits from Chloe in the kitchen. 

This term, we will changing the dance each week. Tomorrow's dance will be One Direction, what makes you beautiful. Please follow the link if you would like to have a practice, ready for tomorrow. 

Just Dance 4-One Direction :What makes you beautiful - YouTube

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. 

Mr McAuley

Friday 28th February

Message for year 6 parents - Please find attached a letter regarding upcoming Year 6 activities and important dates for terms 5 and 6.

To give permission for your child to take part in the year 6 activities, please complete the form linked below.

Please click here to give permission

Wednesday 26th February

Message for year 4 parents - Please can Year 4 children bring in their favourite book next Thursday 6th March to share with the class for World Book Day. 

Message for year 6 parents - On Monday 10th March, Year 6 are invited to come to school dressed as World War 2 evacuees as part of our new topic.

Tuesday 25th February

Message for Year 3 parents -  Dear families,

We are delighted to tell you that we have arranged a trip for Year 3 to Canterbury Roman Museum to support with our learning on our upcoming Thematic topic ‘Revolutionary Romans’. Throughout the day children will get the opportunity to investigate different types of Roman technology, and experience first-hand the jobs of Roman workers and slaves, including hammering a Roman coin (to take home as a souvenir) and building and firing mini catapults. Then, take part in a fun hands-on workshop, in which children take on the role of archaeologists investigating real artefacts from Roman Canterbury. Workshops will take place in both the Roman Museum and The Beaney.

The trip will take place on Tuesday 25th March 2025. We will be getting the minibus to the train station and then the train into Canterbury; therefore, we ask that children arrive to school no later than 8:30am that morning.

School uniform and a waterproof coat is required, and we ask that children bring along a snack, packed lunch and drink. If your child is provided with Free School Meals, please let the school know if you would like us to provide your child with a school packed lunch.

We should arrive back to school on time for 3:15pm, however the office will keep you up to date with texts should there be any delays.

The cost of this trip is £11.54 and can be paid via your MCAS app under outstanding payments.

Please click here to give permisssion

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Good morning,

Thursday 6th March is World Book Day. We would like to invite the children to come in dressed as their favourite book character on this day.

The Junior Leadership Team will also be selling Wonka Chocolate Bars from 3.00-3.30pm from outside the year 5 classrooms on the 5th and 6th March in order to raise money for the school. These will cost £2.50 and with golden ticket prizes enclosed, including Smyths Toy vouchers, 1000 house points, extra playtime and time on the go-karts for your class. We wish everyone the best of luck in finding a golden ticket!

Monday 24th February

Good morning,

Please find the at the bottom of the page a poster regarding an Autism awareness coffee morning which is taking place on Friday 28th February.

Friday 14th February


#LetGirlsPlay BEFS On 7th March 25, England Football and Barclays want to put on the biggest EVER football session for girls in school. The event has been designed to encourage girls to play, to have fun with their friends and to feel confident in their own ability. We also would like them to acknowledge that we are committed to growing girl’s football and equal opportunities for Girls in Thanet.

This event is for all girls in Year 4, 5 and 6.  We will leave school to head to RamsgateFC for a fun filled event.  We will head back to school for the children to be collected aiming to be back for 4pm.

If you have more than one child attending, please can you state both first name and surname on the form.

Event:– #LetGirlsPlay Football Festival

Date: Friday 7th March 2025

Venue: Ramsgate Football Club

Time: 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Kit: A shirt will be provided but please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on the day including appropriate footwear ( astro trainers or trainers) shin pads are mandatory and a bottle of water.

Transport: We will be walking to the stadium and will be brought back to school to be collected at 4pm.

Spectators: Spectators are not allowed at this event.

Please complete the form as we will need medical details and photo permission for the event.

Many thanks

Miss Knight

Wednesday 12th February

Please find the VAT Newsletter for Term 3 posted at the bottom of the page.

Please find Term 4 dates for your diary posted at the bottom of the page.

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695