31.1.25 Weekly News!

We have had another amazing week in Year 5 this week!
This week, we have been writing our own free verse poems. We looked at the features of the poems and included personification, similes and metaphors in our poems. Our poems were about the grief AJ is feeling after his grandad has passed away. Including happy memories that AJ can remember as well. Next week, we will be moving on to narrative writing. Writing about AJ’s trials for the school’s cross-country team.
In Maths this week, we have been exploring division. We began the week by looking at number families and how related number bonds can help us with missing number calculations. We finished the week by recapping dividing 4 digits by 1-digit numbers using the bus stop method.
Next week, we will be exploring fractions. We will be adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and adding and subtraction fractions with the denominator having the same multiples. On Friday, it is number day so all morning we will be maths related!
This week, we have learnt how the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity and why. We also learnt who the Scots and Picts were and how that caused the building of Hadrian’s wall. Furthermore, we learn about how stories and poems have taught about the past.
Next week, we will be looking at how to sort different materials into groups depending on their properties. We will also be investigating thermal insulators and conductors and learning how to use scientific equipment.
Love to Learn
Pick 10 spellings from the spellings below and practise in your books.
Important Dates
Tuesday 4th February – Please wear trainers into school as we are going to be going for a short run preparing us for AJ running in the cross-country trials.
Wednesday 5th February for CCGS. Please arrive promptly as we will be leaving school at 8:35. We will be walking in all weathers so please wear suitable clothing and comfortable trainers.
Wednesday 5th February – Young Voices at the O2 AND trip to CCGS to watch Matilda (please see email).
Thursday 6th February – Countdown assembly (KS2 only)
Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to wear a number themed outfit and KS2 to come as Times Table Rock Stars.
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February – School Disco
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Isaac, Mrs King and Mr Cook
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