Weekly News! 31.01.25

We have had a brilliant week in Year 3 this week, from delicious sandwiches in DT to phenomenally suspenseful writing in English!
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we continued our exploration of Anthony Browne books by continuing with ‘The Tunnel’. This week we showed some excellent summarising skills of the plot, both through acting and creating story maps. We also completed an AR Quiz on The Tunnel demonstrating our solid understanding of the text.
Next week, we will be continuing with Anthony Browne by starting a new book- Gorilla.
In English this week, we used our text ‘The Tunnel’ to create some truly suspenseful writing. We started the week by furthering our learning of dialogue by focussing on direct speech and accurately using inverted commas with consistent punctuation. We continued to work on verb usage to describe action in increasing detail and used some incredible adverbs to go alongside this. To ensure we were varying our language choices, we explored alternate verbs for said and finished the week by combining all of our growing skills into a fabulous narrative.
Next week, we will begin ‘Gorilla’.
In Maths this week we returned to addition. We began the week by focussing on our use of dienes and how we need to regroup when ones exceed ten. We applied this knowledge to a new resource for Year 3, place value counters and demonstrated some excellent place value knowledge while adding increasingly larger numbers. We finished the week by returning to the column method and solidifying our understanding of regrouping.
Next week in Maths we will be continuing with addition.
Fact of the week
Next week, the fact of the week is 4x7=28
This week we have focussed on our DT learning with our topic ‘How my Body Works’. We planned and designed our own sandwiches and were given the opportunity to independently make them. We evaluated our creations and then applied our learning to help alter our designs in the quest to make the perfect sandwich. It was a delicious and educational week!
Home Learning
Our next Computing topic is Creating Media- Stop Frame Animation. To begin this new topic we would like the children to create a flipbook animation. They could use a post it note pad or notebook to do this. We would love to use these for show and tell next week! Please follow to instructions for guidance.
Animation tick sheet
Use the tick sheet to help you to create an effective flipbook animation.
- Start on the bottom sheet
- Draw your stick person (make it simple)
- Turn over the next page
- Make a change to the part of the drawing that you want to move
- Copy the rest of the drawing
- Repeat until all pages have a drawing on
- Flip through the pages to see your animation
Other News
- May we please remind parents that Smart Watches are not permitted in school, this includes any devices of which the children can play games, take pictures or record.
-Can we kindly remind parents to not take children early from Read at 3 on a Friday. Read at 3 begins at 3:00pm and finishes at 3:15pm. We thank you for your continued support with your children’s reading.
Term 3 Dates
Wednesday 5th February – Young Voices at the O2
Thursday 6th February – Countdown assembly (KS2 only)
Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to wear a number themed outfit and KS2 to come as Times Table Rock Stars.
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February – School Disco
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