Weekly News! 07.02.25

We have had a wonderful week in Year 3 this week! We had a visit from Year 1, who shared their fabulous learning on healthy eating with us. We were able to use the new trim trail for the first time and spent our entire Friday celebrating numbers day!
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we continued our learning on Anthony Browne’s texts by reading ‘Gorilla’. We began the week by making astute predictions by examining the cover, title and blurb. Following this, we read the book and dramatised the story. Next, we further developed our inference skills by learning how to use both picture and text to work out a character’s emotions.
Next week, we will be continuing with ‘Gorilla’.
In English, we continued our learning on Anthony Browne’s texts by reading ‘Gorilla’. This week we have been developing our letter writing skills. We explored emotions to carefully convey the feelings on the main character- Hannah. Later, we studied the differences between formal and informal writing and used this to begin writing a variety of different letters.
Next week, we will be continuing with ‘Gorilla’.
In Maths this week we have been continuing our learning on addition. We used our growing knowledge of column method to help us solve increasingly more complex addition problems, such as commutative sums, understanding the inverse of addition and missing number problems. We ended our week by celebrating numbers day! We used our visualising skills to create work through geometry puzzles and used our brilliant problem-solving and visualising skills to collaborate carefully as a team to crack a cube riddle! We took on an all-day time-table challenge. Ask us what our times table fact is- we dare you! Throughout the day, we had to drop everything when we heard an alarm- it was time to take on another arithmetic quiz! We had such a fantastic day and loved wearing our fabulously created costumes!
Next week in Maths we will be returning to subtraction.
Fact of the week
Next week, the fact of the week is 4x8=32
This week we have continued to focus on our DT learning with our topic ‘How my Body Works’. For our DT learning, we explored simple mechanisms, giving particular attention to levers and linkages. We learnt what makes a lever and linkage and had the chance to investigate a variety of different mechanisms, classifying them appropriately. The demonstrate our understanding of these mechanisms, we were challenged to design and create a moving Gorilla (inspired by our class text) with a functioning lever and linkage. Later, we evaluated and improved on our design.
Home Learning
To celebrate our English this week, we would like for the children to write a letter to us (their teacher). We would like for this to be written informally and challenge them to try to include contractions (when two words are merged into one word, for example, don’t, can’t, shouldn’t, it’s). The letter can be any matter they wish; it may be informing us of something they are interested in, what they did at the weekend, to ask us for something or even to simply share what is on their mind! We look forward to reading their fabulous letters!
Other News
- May we please remind parents that Smart Watches are not permitted in school, this includes any devices of which the children can play games, take pictures or record.
Term 3 Dates
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February – School Disco
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