Weekly News! 14.2.25

We made it to the end of term! Thank you all for your support this term, we hope you have a fun and restful week.
At this stage, we are continuing to Learning Set 2 sounds, which will build on the foundations we have already laid with Set 1. It's fantastic to see the children beginning to grasp the sounds and start blending them together. To support their learning, we will be revising the Set 1 sounds regularly. This continuous reinforcement is key to helping them become more confident in their reading abilities.
Additionally, we have been focusing on reading words with "special friends" – these are the sounds that often appear together, such as 'ch', 'sh', 'th', and 'ng'. I encourage you to look for these special friends in the books you read at home together. Practising them will make a significant difference in their reading progress!
Some of our groups are also advancing to what we call "speedy reading". This is where children will engage in Fred Talk (sounding out words verbally) and Fred in their head (sounding out words silently), before moving on to speedy reading, where they can read the words fluently. This method not only helps improve their speed but also their confidence in reading.
We’ve been exploring what makes an ABB pattern. Simply put, it’s a sequence where the first item appears once, followed by a different item that appears twice (for example, a red block, a blue block, a blue block – Red, Blue, Blue). Identifying the rule of the pattern helps us continue it and figure out what comes next. Engaging with these concepts encourages critical thinking skills, and I can already see the children’s excitement as they begin to grasp the idea!
Additionally, we've enjoyed creating different types of patterns, both vertically and horizontally, using a range of resources. Whether it's colourful blocks, beads, or even natural materials like leaves, using various items makes the experience even more engaging. I encourage you to explore this at home too! Perhaps while tidying up or during play, you might find opportunities to create your own ABB patterns together.
Another key aspect of our learning involves identifying and fixing mistakes in patterns. We’ve had great fun spotting where a pattern goes wrong and discussing how we can correct it. This not only reinforces their understanding of the rules behind patterns but also nurtures their problem-solving skills.
Next term we will be exploring the relationship between one more and one less.
This week we had some wonderful experiences as we celebrated the Lunar New Year in reception! This festive occasion not only allowed us to delve into the rich traditions and cultural practices associated with this celebration, but also to draw links to other festivities that we know and love.
Throughout our learning, we discussed the significance of the Lunar New Year, focusing on family connections, renewal, and the importance of traditions. Just like how during Diwali it is customary to buy special clothing and embrace new beginnings, the Lunar New Year inspires many to wear new outfits to symbolise good fortune. In similar fashion, we engaged in the delightful practice of decorating our role play areas, akin to how many families beautify their homes at Christmas to welcome joy and good luck.
One of the key tales we explored was the story of the Zodiac animals and the legendary race that determined their order. With great enthusiasm, the children learnt about each animal’s unique traits and characteristics, and we talked about what it might be like to be those animals for a day. In a creative twist, we even made our own concertina dragons to partake in a lively Lunar New Year lion dance, bringing energy and excitement into our classrooms!
To conclude our celebration, we indulged in some delicious Chinese food! The children enjoyed trying different dishes, which broadened their taste experiences and sparked conversations about different cuisines. It was truly a joyful occasion filled with learning, laughter, and – of course – a bit of fun.
Next term we will be learning about space!
Term 4 Dates for your Diary
24th February – School begins at normal time
26th February – Year 3 swimming begins
28th February 9-10.30am – Autism awareness coffee morning in the studio
28th February – NHS well-being show in school
6th March – World book day
10th – 14th March – Book fair
14th March 9 – 11am – Managing children’s behaviour workshop in the studio
14th March at 2pm– The Speaker 2025 Chilton final (parents of children speaking will be invited along to watch)
21st March – Red nose day/Rock your socks day for Downs Syndrome awareness. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary, originating in 1985. We would like to invite children to come into school in 1980s dress up. Children are invited to wear odd socks as part of their outfit to show support for Rock your socks Downs Syndrome awareness day.
21st March – Parents invited into school from 3.15 to look at their child’s learning prior to parent teacher consultations
24th March – Parent teacher consultation week
25th March – Year 3 trip to the Roman Museum
27th March – Year 1 local area walk
28th March – The Viking Speaker Final; 4 winners from Chilton to attend
2nd April at 9.05am – Easter Bonnet Parade for Reception, year 1 and year 2 in school hall
3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school
3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time.
Important information
Please complete your child’s love to learn task by Wednesday 26th February
PE kits need to be worn in to school each Thursday please.
Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.
All clothing to be named please
Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books
Reading books are changed every Tuesday and Friday, please place your child’s reading folder into the basket outside their classroom
From the beginning of term 4, we will begin to track reading at home. This is to encourage children's reading for pleasure and certificates will be given for certain milestones. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read at home ( we will count every read not every book read!)
e-mail addresses
Many thanks for all your continued support,
EYFS team