Weekly News! 06/12/24

We have had a great week in reception on our first school trip. The children were impeccably behaved and made the school proud.
In our groups we continue to learn set 1 sounds. We are learning special friends including sh, qu and ch. The acquisition of these sounds is fundamental to developing early reading and writing skills. To assist your child in achieving speedy recall of these sounds, we encourage daily practice at home. Engaging in short, fun activities that encourage recognition and pronunciation will greatly benefit your child’s confidence and fluency.
In addition to learning the individual sounds, we are also introducing 'red words' to the children. These are high-frequency words that do not follow typical phonetic rules, which makes them tricky for our young learners. By familiarising your child with these words, we are supporting their ability to read and write more complex sentences.
This week in maths, we are currently focusing on comparing length and height.
During our lessons, we will introduce the concepts of longer and shorter, as well as taller and shorter. Children will engage in various hands-on activities that will allow them to explore these ideas through practical experiences. We will be using everyday objects to demonstrate comparisons, which will enrich their understanding of length and height in an accessible manner.
Next week we will be exploring patterns including ABC patterns.
At the beginning of the week we explored vehicles from the past and compared them to what we have now. We learnt about penny farthings, steam trains and the first buses and aeroplanes. We had to sort pictures into vehicles from the past and present. We then received a letter from the police! They were asking for our help to catch the naughty bus. To do this, we decided to make a wanted poster. We wrote what the bus looks like so people can keep an eye out for them.
Mid-week we went on our first school trip! We had so much fun (as did our cheeky elves!) Please see the photos of our time spotting different vehicles and drawing pictures of the boats in the harbour.
After returning to school, we thought about all the things we saw on our way to the harbour out of the bus windows. Then we created a map of where we had been from a bird’s eye view in case anyone needs to get to the harbour.
Next week we will be making our own vehicles using junk modelling. If you have any cardboard boxes please can you bring these in to school for us to use?
Important dates:
11th December – Chilton Christmas Fair from 3.15 – 4.30
13th December – Year 2 and 4 Come Dine with Me
13th December – Reception Nativity at 9am
16th December – Year 1 Nativity at 9am
17th December – Year 5 and 6 Church performance at 10am
17th December – Year 3 and 4 Church performance at 2pm
17th December – Reception, year 1 and year 2 Christmas party day (party clothes to be worn) Please see attached letter for what your child can bring.
Wednesday 18th December – Year 2 Nativity at 9am
19th December – Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas party day (party clothes to be worn)
20th December – Christmas jumper day (children can wear usual school uniform with a Christmas jumper)
20th December – School Christmas dinner
20th December – Last day of school; School finishes at 2pm; No after school club on
Important information
- The green Normans were the winners of the house point challenge. We will celebrate with the green Normans having a non-school uniform day on Thursday 12th December.
- Please send your child in to school wearing their nativity clothes on Friday 13th December. Please put children’s school uniforms into their school bags so we change them back into school uniforms after our performance.
- Please complete the WOW moment sheets and pass them on to your child’s class teacher, so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books. (These are not for the children’s love to learn books).
- On Wednesday 11th December, we will be holding our School Christmas Fair. This will run from 3.15pm-4.30pm, with a Christmas sing along led by our school choir, which will be at 4pm. Stalls will include a Christmas raffle, tombola, hot food and drinks, guess the sweets in the stocking, splat the sprout, crack the code and many more. This event will take place on the school field (weather permitting) so wrap up warm. This year the Christmas raffle will work in a slightly different way. We have some big cash prizes, with first prize being £100 and second prize being £50. We will send home a book of tickets. We ask you return any ticket stubs you wish to buy, with the correct money. We also ask you send back any unbought tickets. There will also be tickets available to purchase on the day. In order to run some of the stalls, we do need to ask for some donations. We are aware of the financial pressures on families at this time of year, so all donations are of course voluntary, and we are grateful for any received. We ask for all donations to come into school on Tuesday 10th December. We will be running a ‘Take home a Teddy’ stall. If you have any good quality, unwanted cuddly toys please send them into school on Tuesday 10th December to be used on this stall. We will also be running a Tombola stall. We ask that you send in a bottle of drink for this. Again, we ask that his is sent into school on Tuesday 10th December Lastly, we will also be running our traditional ‘White Bag’ stall. All children will bring home a white bag on Friday 29th November. We ask that your child decorates the bag, and you pop a small gift inside (sweets, notepad, pens, small toy etc). Can this also be returned to school on Tuesday 10th December. If you wish to have a stall to sell gifts, then we will also be selling pitches for £15. Contact Mrs Cheshire at hannah.cheshire@chiltonprimary.co.uk if you wish to rent a pitch.
e-mail addresses
Many thanks for all your continued support,
EYFS team