Chilton Thematic Curriculum
The thematic curriculum consists of Science, History, Geography and D&T and is taught in themed units. PSHE, Art, Music, Computing, PE, RE and French are taught discretely.
The national curriculum has been used as a planning framework to structure objectives progressively from Year 1 to 6. Units have been designed so that objectives can be linked and learning sequenced appropriately. Teachers design a learning journey using composite goals and medium-term plans to ensure the curriculum offers a range of memorable learning opportunities. Relevant elements of the PSHE framework are also taught within these units and teachers actively seek out teaching and learning that explores cultural capital, including cultural knowledge and cultural experiences.
We provide exciting and engaging learning experiences that support our children to be life-long learners. We focus on a balanced combination of academic, personal and global learning goals that equip our learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed in the ever-changing world they face. At the heart of our curriculum are our school values: Kindness, Courage, Respect and Equality. These underpin the children’s learning and every child is celebrated as an individual. We have designed our own unique curriculum to deliver rigorous and innovative learning through a thematic approach. Learning is meaningful and personal to the child. The children work towards clear and purposeful goals, both collaboratively and as independent learners.
The Golden Threads of Our Thematic Curriculum:
•Culture and Communities – enabling our children develop to a deeper understanding of the diverse world around them by learning about a wide range of communities and cultures from the past to the present, both locally and globally.
•Understanding the World – enabling our children to develop a well-rounded awareness of the world we live in by exploring the natural and human made world, allowing them to become curious and responsible citizens.
•People and Places –enabling our children to develop an understanding the lives and contributions of key people from the past and present as well as understanding the characteristics of places, both near and far.
•Being Imaginative and Exploring -enabling our children to take risks, think critically and problem solve, empowering them to be creative whilst fostering a love for discovery and preparing them to navigate our ever-changing world.
•Health and Wellbeing - enabling our children to understand the importance of and develop a healthy lifestyle, emotional resilience and a strong sense of self-care, to ensure they are happy, healthy and ready for the challenges of growing up.