Our curriculum design ensures that Art and Design & Technology learning play an important role.
Children enjoy discrete art learning, focusing on a range of artists and different artistic skills and effects. Skills are taught progressively and children are exposed to a broad range of art.
Art is also used throughout the curriculum to inspire learning and thinking. In particular, art will be inspired from the books that the children read. This enables children to explore reading through artwork, which deepens their understanding of texts as well as stimulating their creativity as a result.
In Design and Technology, children explore products, discuss and experiment with prototypes and then use their learning to inform a variety of product design - from pizza boxes to insect homes. They use a range of technology skills progressively to make quality products, evaluating and collaborating with others throughout.
The school is lucky enough to have its own kitchen area for the children to use. This ensures that we are able to teach food hygiene alongside healthy eating, give children opportunities to experience, and learn cooking skills. This will also extend throughout the curriculum – and cooking will often be used in both Maths and English lessons as a practical element of learning.