Dates and details for this week:
Monday 26th - Story telling in the library after school for Reception
Team Sky, Periwinkle, Ultramarine and Teal Parent-Teacher Consultations
Tuesday 27th - Story telling in the library after school for Year 1
Team Azure, Peacock, Periwinkle and Ultramarine Parent-Teacher Consultations
Wednesday 28th - Story telling in the library after school for Year 2
Year 3 trip to Dover
Team Peacock Assembly - 2:45
Team Ocean Parent-Teacher Consultations
Thursday 1st March -WORLD BOOK DAY - DRESS UP DAY!
Year 3 Swimming
Story telling after school in the library for Years 4 and 5
Friday 2nd March - Team Azure and Teal Parent-Teacher Consultations.
Story Telling in the library after school for Years 5 and 6