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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 19.01.24

Year 3 have had a smashing week this week! Here’s what we have been up to:


In English this week, we started a new Anthony Browne text called The Tunnel. The children have really enjoyed reading it so far and have made fabulous predictions about where the tunnel may lead. They have even made some suspenseful artwork linked to our reading! In our writing, we have planned and started writing a 5-part suspense narrative in the style of the Tunnel. The children have been incredible at showing suspense through their writing, alongside using dialogue (speech) correctly and consistently.

Next week, we will be continuing and finishing our story focusing on using strategies to build suspense. To prepare for next week have a watch of the video below:


Our Maths learning this week has had us learning about comparing and ordering fractions. We started off the week by recalling our previous learning on the difference between unit (numerator of 1) and non-unit fractions (numerator bigger than 1). We then used these terms in our learning when we began comparing fractions. We started by comparing unit fractions e.g. which is bigger ½ or ¼ using visual representations and our learning progressed when we compared non-unit fractions with the same denominator, e.g. which is smaller ¼ or ¾ . We have ended the week with ordering non-unit fractions and the children have been amazing with this learning!

Next week, we will continue our learning on fractions but we will be moving on to equivalent fractions.


In our punctuation and grammar lessons this week, we have been focusing on how to correctly punctuate speech and we made a speech sandwich. Maybe the children can teach you what a speech sandwich is. The ingredients are: Bread x2, butter x2, cheese and a drink. In our spelling sessions, we have been learning words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’ e.g. chef.

Next week, we will be recapping our knowledge on complex sentences (ISAWAWABUB) and practicing words with the ‘k’ sound or the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’.


This week in our thematic lessons, we have been focusing on how to make healthy meals. We started the week by planning what would make a healthy sandwich, considering the sections on the eatwell plate and we then used our own plans and instructions to make a healthy sandwich. We then developed these skills when making healthy chips, we learnt about different cutting techniques and hold to correctly use a knife. After the chips had been cut up and soaked in water, we seasoned them before putting them in the oven. The children loved making chips and some have even asked if they can try it at home!

Next week, we will be focusing on the skeleton and muscles and why these are important.


Love to Learn

Please choose one of the following tasks to complete:

  1. Have a go at using the online resource to make equivalent fractions – what do you notice? 

  1. Read the book allocated on MyOn about fractions – could you try some of the activities at home?            

  1. Play TTRS as much as possible ready for our TTRS battle next week against Upton and RAPS

Other News

Please ensure that your child is reading at home and bringing their reading record to school every day. The expectation for KS2 is that children read four times a week with an adult at home.

PE day for Year 3 is now a Thursday. Please send your child into school wearing full PE kit - PE kit should be navy or black with a white t-shirt.

Sports Project is on a Friday this term. Please could children come to school wearing their uniform and trainers

Important Dates

26/1/24  - On Friday, we have an exciting visit from the police. They will be coming in to talk to Year 3 about what it takes to become a police officer

22/1/24 – Year 3 TTRS battle! – Next week we will be taking part in a TTRS battle against Upton and RAPS. We would like the children to play as much TTRS as possible throughout this week so that we can be victorious winners. Please practice at home over this weekend.  

2/2/24 – NSPCC Number Day – Reception and KS1 to dress in anything related to numbers and KS2 to dress as rock stars. In exchange, we ask for a £1 voluntary contribution for NSPCC.

After school, there will be a Number Day Disco. Year 3s disco will take place from 4:30-5:30. Drop off and collection will be from the front of the school. More details will be sent out by the Chilton Fundraisers later in the term.

6/2/24 – Online Safety Day – On this day, children can dress to express! This means that they can come in to school dressed in whatever makes them feel happy.

6/2/24 – Curry and Quiz – This will take place for adults in the evening. Details will be sent out by Chilton Fundraisers soon.

9/2/24 Last Day of Term 3.

19/02/24 – Term 4 begins for children.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695