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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 28.4.23

This week we have been focusing on what makes us proud. We thought about what we like about ourselves and when this was hard, our friends helped us identify our skills, talents and positive traits. We looked through our learning and chose pieces that we were proud of because we worked so hard. Both Year 3 classes have introduced a new positive learning board. In Turquoise we think about what we are going to do in the morning to make our class proud. In Team Cyan we choose a star of the day who has shown a great attitude! It's important to celebrate the amazing things we do - kindness to others, working hard, that we can have a happy classroom. Thank you to the children for their great attitudes. 


This week we have been writing character descriptions on some of the animals in our story, 'Charlotte's Web'. We wrote about sneaky Templeton the rat, Clever and thoughtful Charlotte and our main character, Wilbur! We used verbs and adverbs to weave action into our description and used our expanded noun phrases to describe their personalities and appearance. We will continue this learning next week, leading us to a big write on the Friday to show off our skills.


This week we have been looking at different ways to represent addition and subtraction. We were able to subtract on a number line, jumping backwards in steps of 10 and 1. We then used the bar model to represent subtractions. Finally, we used bar models to help us understand inference, identifying the total amount and writing an addition and subtraction calculation to match our model.

Next week we will be learning multiplication and division. Please practise on TTRS as much as possible. Thank you!


This week we have continued to be Historians, learning about the three ancient civilisations - The Maya, Aztecs and Inca. We found out where they settled by using the world map, and located when on our timeline. We had a wonderful  lesson where we had to work in teams and teach each other about a different part of Incan life. We also found out how chocolate got to the UK. We learnt about how explorers went to the New World and discovered this amazing bean!

Next week we will be thinking about what it was like when the explorers arrived in Central and South America and exploring different viewpoints. We will then be learning in Geography and recapping our knowledge of the 7 continents and then learning about South America.


Monday - bank holiday

Tuesday - Strikes

Wednesday - Non-uniform for Vikings

Friday -Red, White and Blue for the Coronation

Home learning

Thank you for reading more regularly at home. We really appreciate the effort that has gone into this. We have set some more books on MyOn that link to our Thematic learning. Please check them out!


Finally, have a lovely long weekend,

Year 3 Team 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695