Term 5 begins! Thursday 16th April
Welcome back, Year 4 .We hope you have a lovely break and have enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL sunshine in any way you can. We have missed you all lots and can't wait to hear from you all - through emails, on the padlet. It has been wonderful seeing your smiling faces and your amazing learning. Remember the padlet is secure so only people from Chilton are able to access the content. Your parents will have the password if you haven't already accessed it.
So, let's get to it!
This Term we are exploring possibly our favourite book - I think we say that before every Year 4 book! It is called The Water Tower and it is very different to our normal books as the pictures in it are extremely important. It is a very mysterious book too and we would like you to put your detective hats on and engage your imagination for this one! :)
The slides for today's lesson are attached below. The PPT may have working audio clips so make sure you go into presentation mode if you want to hear me! Your task is to build up an emotive word bank for a descriptive piece of writing.
You will need to use expanded noun phrases so there are some worksheets to help remind you of how to use these.
It might be pretty easy to lose track of the time while we are all in isolation! But we found it quite tricky so we have set you some practice learning for you to do. There are LOTS of resources online to help you with time - and try to use this skill as much as possible in real life. Does your oven have a digital clock? Or an alarm clock? Or your parent's phone? Can you read the digital time?
It's GOOD TO BE ME! It's values week! We would like you to think about what makes YOU special. Draw, paint, collage or take a picture of yourself and surround it in all the things that make you special. You can add in important people, places or things to you. Take a picture and send it to us so we can see why you are so brilliant (although we already know this of course !!)
As we say again and again - Stay in touch! We LOVE hearing from you and want to see your brilliant learning.