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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4






Page 8

  • 16/06/20

    Wednesday 17th June

    Morning Y4, how are you feeling today? I hope that you are enjoying this week's learning so far and are keeping safe! Remember to keep posting on The Padlet's and emailing your teachers all the super work that you've been completing. Here we go... English/GR - Read pages 8...
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  • 15/06/20

    Black Lives Matter

    Please find attached a parent's guide to 'Black Lives Matter'. Within this invaluable document there are resources, activities and tips for families to empower children to work towards racial equality.
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  • 15/06/20

    Tuesday 16th June

    Good morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday - how did your ideas on castles go? What life cycle did you look at in detail? Please find today's learning below. Remember to continue to email your teachers and post on The Padlet - any immediate questions around the learning, please email M...
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  • 14/06/20

    Monday 15th June

    Good morning Y4! We hope you had a fantastic weekend enjoying the sunshine and are ready for a great week of learning. Mrs Gale and Mr Abel are back teaching in school now and so Mr Lamprell will be uploading work and updating your blog page. Mrs Gale and Mr Abel would still very much love to hear f...
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  • 11/06/20

    Friday 12th June

    Good morning Year 4! We hope you have had a wonderful week. How did you get on with maths yesterday? Hope you managed to use the correct operation to solve them :) Here's what you're learning today: Maths More word problems on the menu for today - this time multiplication and div...
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  • 11/06/20

    Friday 12th June

    Good morning, Team Azure and Team Peacock!  We hope you've had a wonderful week completing all of your home learning. As always, thank you for the work that you have been emailling in and sharing on our padlet. As a heads up, both Mr Abel and Mrs Gale will be back in school teaching full...
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  • 10/06/20

    Thursday 11th June

    Good morning, Team Peacock and Team Azure, Happy Thursday to you all. It has been fantastic seeing your learning added to the padlet - please continue to do so as we love seeing your happy faces and BRILLIANT work. Maths Today you will be solving word problems using converting. Remember tha...
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  • 09/06/20

    Wednesday 10th June

    Good morning, Year 4! Glad to see the weather brightened up yesterday! How are you doing with your new topic, 'The Nature of  Life'? We'd love to see some more of your art parts! We hope you're all ok and continuing the wonderful effort you have been putting in with your home...
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  • 08/06/20

    Tuesday 9th June

    Good morning,  Team Azure and Peacock! Hope you are all all set for a great day of learning! You've got this! Thank you to the children sending in their clips for the Viking Virtual Games - has anyone competed with their parents yet?!  Maths Today you are going to use written...
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  • 07/06/20

    Monday 8th June

    Good morning, Team Azure and Team Peacock! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Mrs Brown had her baby so I am now a very proud uncle and waiting to be able to see them both! Keep going with your home learning and remember that you're all doing amazingly well and that we miss you all lots...
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  • 04/06/20

    Friday 5th June

    Good morning, Year 4! I know we say this every week but HOW IS IT FRIDAY ALREADY?! We hope you have had a lovely week. I enjoyed seeing (and smelling!!) the rain today. It's been such a glorious Spring but my grass needs some water! We know that some of you are finding it difficult to stay...
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  • 03/06/20

    Thursday 4th June

    Good morning, Team Azure and Team Peacock!  We hope you have been enjoying your first week of Term 6 home learing. I (Mr Abel) am very excited today as it is my sister's due date to have her baby! Have you had any important family events occur during Lockdown? I don't know if Mrs Bro...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695