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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4






Page 6

  • 15/07/20

    Thursday 16th July

    English/GR You are to continue your English task from yesterday. You should've planned your wishing-tale story now and be ready to write - use the document to aid your learning. Maths Yesterday, you worked on 'Moving in a Grid' (translation) - today's learning involves you d...
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  • 14/07/20

    Wednesday 15th July

    English/GR Today and tomorrow you will be planning and writing your 'wishing-tale' narrative. Look at the examples and skills attached to guide your way through the planning and writing stage. Use the ideas collected this week and the structure of the model text to also support. Maths...
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  • 13/07/20

    Tuesday 14th July

    Shout out! Well done to Jack, Finley and Sophia - great home learning!     English/GR Before you plan your story (based on The King of the Fishes), your main character will need to rescue a King or a Queen of a species. Time to get creative! Design your character that is...
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  • 12/07/20

    Monday 13th July

    Good morning Y4! We have made it...your final week of home learning and updates from the blog! Have fun, remain positive and enjoy the activities!
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  • 09/07/20

    Friday 10th July

    English/GR Throughout this week, you have completed activities that have given you a greater understanding of theme and the skills needed to write a newspaper report. Yesterday you should have spent time planning your newspaper article in detail and may have even started. Today you nee...
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  • 08/07/20

    Thursday 9th July

    English/GR Throughout this week, you have completed activities that have given you a greater understanding of theme and the skills needed to write a newspaper report. Today and tomorrow you are going to plan and write your newspaper report of an alien being discovered on Earth! Use the s...
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  • 07/07/20

    Wednesday 8th July

    Morning Y4 - we hope that you are feeling great today! Please see below today's learning: English/GR Later on this week, you'll be asked to produce your own newspaper report based on this week's theme. Today's document (attached) requires you to complete a range fof activities...
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  • 06/07/20

    Tuesday 7th July

    English/GR Continue with the activities from yesterday's document. These activities need to be completed in detail and with some thought as your understanding of these tasks and the text will aid your learning later on in the week. If you finish the activities promptly...use your literal a...
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  • 05/07/20

    Monday 6th July

    Hi Y4! We hope you had a super weekend and feel refreshed ready for a great week of learning! English AMAZING ALIENS! For many years, humans all over the world have wondered whether we really exist. Well, I can tell you we do and, what's more, we have been getting up to all sorts of mis...
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  • 02/07/20

    Friday 3rd July

    English/GR In the story, we have discovered the wonderful worlds of Goblin’s and one thing for sure is that they love their food! Your task is to design a menu for another goblin party – it could be a Christmas party, anniversary party or any celebration you can think of! Us...
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  • 01/07/20

    Thursday 2nd July

    Good morning! How are you all feeling today? I hope you've been enjoying your learning - thank you to the continuous emails from pupils working at home and smiles I'm seeing from children in school who are completing the work! Remember to give yourself a 'shout out' on The Padlets...
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  • 30/06/20

    Wednesday 1st July

    English/GR -  You now have a clear understanding of the story and have used a range of descriptive language to describe an additional setting. Today and tomorrow you are going to plan and write a sequel to the story! Look at the document and template attached to stimulate and scaffold your...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695