Weekly News 5.4.19
In maths this week, we have been learning to double and halve doubles. The children have learnt to partition the numbers first and then double/halve the ones, then tens and then hundreds (and so on for larger numbers). They then recombine the doubled or halves numbers to get the final answer; they've tried to do this mentally (without using a written method).
E.g. Half of 178 = 100 + 70 + 8
Half of 100 = 50 Half of 70 = 35 Half of 8 = 4
50 + 35 + 4 = 89
So half of 178 = 89
In English this week, we have focussed on varying our sentence structure by using compound, complex and simple sentences. We have also written some Stone Age poetry using alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyme.
In RE this week the children have learnt about the Easter Story. They have retold the events that Christians remember on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Love to Learn
Our new topic next term is called 'How Humans Work'. We would like to challenge the children to make a body part over the Easter holidays to bring to school when we return on Tuesday 23rd April. In past years, some body parts that the children have made have been; eyes, the digestive system, lungs, heart, brain, the circulatory system. You can make your body part from whatever you like.
Please also make sure you continue to read regularly at home over the Easter break and practice your times tables as much as you can.
Thank you to everyone who cam in to our Scavengers and Settlers Exit Point on Wednesday afternoon. We hope that you enjoyed our Stone Age food!
We hope that you have a fantastic break from school and look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 23rd April.