Year 3 Weekly News 1.10.21
This week we have been learning to multiply. We began the week using arrays to multiply single digit numbers e.g. 7 X 5 = the children draw 7 rows of 5 dots and then count in 5s, and then moved on to just counting so for 8 X 3 = the children hold up 8 fingers and count in 3s: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24 and so the answer is 24. We finished off the week with the children learning a brand new method to multiply 2 or 3 digit numbers by a single digit e.g. 45 X 3 = The method is called the grid method and the children partition the bigger number (so 45 is a 40 and 5) and then draw a grid and multiply the 40 by 3 first and then multiply the 5 by 3, and add up the 120 and 15 to get the final answer of 135.
This week the children have been learning to write in the past tense accurately. They have learnt that most regular past tense verbs end in -ed, although there are some that do end in t e.g. dreamt, slept, leapt, kept. We have also learnt about irregular past tense verbs that change completely e.g. fought, swam, built, ran. They have written various pieces of writing such as a poster and story in the past tense to practice their past tense skills.
We have learnt about the parts of a river this week such as the river mouth, source, meanders, channel, river bed, river bank. The children drew some fantastic pictures of rivers, labelled them and then painted them using watercolour paints - they look amazing! We have also continued with some map work this week, where the children learnt how to use 4 figure grid references on a map and also how to use map symbols and a key.
Love to Learn
This week's love to learn is a maths and a SPaG challenge.
For maths, choose 5 of these multiplication calculations and solve them:
8 X 7 = 6 X 10 = 3 X 9 = 5 X 7 = 2 X 8 = 4 X 4 = For these calculations, you can draw an array or count in steps of the number to solve them.
43 X 2 = 57 X 4 = 62 X 5 = 54 X 7 = 138 X 6 = 173 X 5 = For these calculations you need to use the grid method that you learnt in class this week.
For SPAG, please rewrite the sentences below in the past tense. Change the underlined verb to the past tense verb in each sentence. Remember to read your sentence to check it makes sense!
Peter is swimming in the sea.
Anna is building a snowman.
Mr Mason is teaching us how to multiply.
The dog is leaping over the bushes.
The girl is walking to school.
Please return Love to Learn books by Weds 6th October.
MANY APOLOGIES - WE FORGOT TO SEND THE LOVE TO LEARN BOOKS HOME. We will send them home on Monday. Please complete the home learning on paper if you wish to get it done over the weekend.
At the end of term, we will be holding an Island Explorer dress up day as the exit point for our Island Life topic so we would like to ask you to begin to prepare your outfits for this day. We will let you know the exact date for this in the coming weeks.
Home Reading message from Mrs Rowland-Hill:
Thank you for your continued support with your child's reading. Please remember to encourage your child to take their Accelerated Reader quiz when they have finished their book. You can access our AR site here or through our school website Home Page. Your child's username is the first three letters of their first name followed by their surname. The password is chilton (lowercase) for example: Username for Joe Smith would be JoeSmith and the password is chilton. Thank you for your continued support.
Many thanks
Mrs Cousins and Mr Mason