Weekly News!
This week in Maths we have been looking at division! We started the week by reminding ourselves how to divide by using sharing circles. Later in the week we then moved on to finding remainders. We learnt that if there is not an equal amount in the sharing circle, we put it outside the circle which means this is a remainder. We were getting so good at spotting if there was a remainder or not.
This week we have been working hard on adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We started a brand new book called ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge. We were using adjectives to describe the character of The Lonely Beast but also using them to describe the settings that he saw on his grand adventure. Later in the week, we moved onto looking at verbs and adverbs. In the story Chris Judge doesn’t use many adverbs and very simple verbs so we upskilled them!
This week in Topic, it has been Society based! We have learnt that circus acts are unique and all different. We learnt that there are different risks and benefits for each circus act, we put this learning into action by creating a job description. We ended the week by thinking about the importance of rules, so we created our very own circus rules.
Home Learning
This week, we would like you to write a short story using exciting sentence openers.
Due in Friday 14th February
- 10th – 14th – Online Safety Week
- Tuesday 25th February – Personal Challenge Day – come dressed in sportswear!
- PE is on Tuesdays – Please remember kit.
- Please remember to tie hair back.
- Please read with your child as much as possible. Please ensure you sign the reading record. Thank you!
- Children are always encouraged throughout the day to have a drink of water. There is also plenty of opportunities at break and lunch times to have a drink.
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