Weekly news!
Term 2 Week 5
In this week in English, we have been looking at using emotive adjectives to portray how characters are feeling. We have also been putting these emotive adjectives into a list using commas! We have learnt that we use ______ , _______ and ________ .
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading this week, we started with a yummy bang! We have started looking at the book 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson. So, naturallly we started by making an edible Stickman. He was deeeeeelicious! We then read the story and wrote out our own questions to ask Julia Donaldson and predicted what might happen next in the story.
In Maths this week, we have looked at statistics. We have learnt that statistics is all about information that is presented in different ways. We have looked at information that is presented in pictograms, tally charts, bar charts and venn diagrams. We can now all answer questions on the information that is presented to us but we can also make our very own versions too!
In Topic this week, we have carried on our learning about the Circus! At the end of last week we looked at the differences between Circus' from the past and present. This week we looked at how we can get people to come to the Circus so we made our very own leaflets using persuasive language! We ended the week at starting to look at the forces that are used during Circus acts for example push and pull!
- PE is on Tuesdays – Please remember kit.
- Please remember to tie hair back. here.
- Please read with your child as much as possible. Please ensure you sign the reading record. Thank you!
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