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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 1

Miss Wright talks Maths:


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  • 07/05/21

    Friday 7th May

    Woah…… we’re halfway there! That’s right, we have made it to the halfway point in this term. Maths This week’s maths focus has been on shape. We recapped our previous learning of 2D and 3D shape names and then moved our learning on. We had to identify 2D shapes...
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  • 29/04/21

    Friday 30th April

    What an excellent week we have had in year 1! The children are settling back into school routines well and producing some fantastic work. Maths This week’s maths focus has been on time. Time can be a really tricky concept but we have been blown away with how well the children h...
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  • 22/04/21

    Friday 23rd April

    Well done for reaching the end of week 1! We can’t believe it is term 5 already, this year is flying by. We have had an excellent week in year 1, the children are well rested and eager to learn. Maths Team Cyan and Team Turquoise swapped their maths this week to complete the learning the...
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  • 01/04/21

    Thursday 1st April

    HaPpY EaStEr! We have finally reached the end of a very strange term. Term 4 started off at home for some of us and has ended at home for some of us too. We want to say a massive well done and thank you to all of the children in year 1 for your amazing resilience and positive attitudes during the...
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  • 27/03/21

    Friday 26th March 2021

    Hello and welcome to the last Friday of the term! This week has been a little different for Team Cyan who are home learning until the end of term. The children have been super positive about the change which has been great to see in lessons. We hope Team Turquoise don't miss us too much...
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  • 18/03/21

    Friday 19th March 2021

    It’s the weekend! Well done to all of the children on yet another fantastic week of learning. We are getting used to school life and our routines once more and are settling back into the Chilton Way. We are trying to get through readers as we are aware that some children may have moved leve...
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  • 12/03/21

    Friday 12th March 2021

    FRIDAY!   We made it! We are finally all back where we belong and have said goodbye to home schooling (fingers crossed). We cannot tell you how much we have missed having all the class together, so this week was a very welcome change back to our normal. It has not been without its trouble...
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  • 18/01/21

    Monday18th January Topic

    If you want to print the topic resources, they are here!
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  • 07/01/21

    Clock Resources for Maths on Thursday

    I have attached the clock template below so it can be printed out!
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  • 11/12/20

    Resources for Learning at Home Next Week

    Please find attached at the bottom of this blog post the resources which the children will use next week when they are learning from home. These will be available on the 'assignments' tab on Microsoft Teams each day, but I know some children will find it easier to have these printed off so t...
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  • 10/12/20

    Friday 11th December 2020

    What a fabulous week we have had in Year 1. For some of the children, it will be their last day in school and some will be coming in next week. For those learning from home next week, Miss Wright will see you on Microsoft Teams Monday morning. For those at school, we hope you have a great week in sc...
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  • 04/12/20

    Friday 4th December

    HaPpY fRiDaY We have reached the end of another fun filled week of learning in year 1. Thank you for your support with all the home learning, including love to learn and reading. We are overwhelmed by the number of children participating… please keep it up!   Maths This we...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695