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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 11th June

Slime, sunshine and the seaside!

This lovely weather has meant some fantastic outdoor learning opportunities this week. It also timed well with the introduction of our new Topic....'The seaside'.


The children have continued to make fantastic progress with the phonic knowledge. We have been undertaking some phonic assessments and cannot believe the progress they have made in the last 6 weeks alone. The children continue with their Read, Write Inc sessions and most children are now confident reading and spelling simple words using set one sounds and are now learning their set two sounds. During RWI they partake in daily reading and writing with their RWI teacher. In Topic this week, the pupils have been learning to write lists. They made lists about all the things they might find on the beach.


In maths this week, we learnt how to share objects out fairly between a group of 4. This is the early stages of learning how to divide. The children were taught to give one object to each person in their group of 4, then to give them a second object and to keep going until they had run out of objects. We then spoke about how many objects each person had. If you wanted to help reinforce this at home you could have a teddy bears picnic with 4 bears and share the food out fairly between them (the children were not taught about remainders, so only use numbers that are divisible by 4).


In Topic this week, we started to think about the seaside. Thank you for all your lovely home learning. The children loved sharing this with their friends. This week we focused on all the things we might find at the seaside. We explored objects that had been found on the beach and made lists of all the things we might find on the beach.


All the children need to come to school on a Tuesday and a Friday wearing their PE kit

Next Tuesday (15th June) we are taking part in the Big Sing. All pupils may come to school wearing a brightly coloured t shirt on thus day.





Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695