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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 14.3.25

We have had a fun filled week in reception, enjoying the sunshine at long last. We hope you get to enjoy some more sun at the weekend.


Each day, we focus on a 'Sound of the Day' which becomes the foundation for our activities. The children are engaged in practising reading and writing words that contain this sound, allowing them to build their confidence and improve their phonetic understanding. 

During our reading sessions, the children work collaboratively in pairs. They take turns reading the book aloud, which enhances their reading fluency. After reading, we explore the content of the story together, answering simple comprehension questions to ensure they understand the main ideas and details. This interaction is crucial for developing critical thinking skills and fostering a love for reading.

To further enhance their learning, each child will be encouraged to write a simple sentence/ phrase about the story they have read. This exercise reinforces their writing skills and allows them to express their thoughts creatively. It is a wonderful way for them to connect their reading experience to their writing.


Following on from last week, we have delved into the composition of numbers9 and 10. The children have engaged in various activities to understand how different parts can make up a whole. We continued to practise the concept of conceptual subitising, which helps develop their ability to recognise small quantities in parts without needing to count each item individually. This skill supports their number sense and lays a strong foundation for their future mathematical learning.

To further enhance their understanding, we have used tens frames to visualise the whole. By placing different parts onto tens frames, the children can see how numbers can be broken down into smaller components and how these components fit together. It’s wonderful to see them getting excited about their discoveries during these activities!

Moreover, we have also explored the reverse process: starting with a whole number and investigating how it can be divided into parts of two or more. This encourages the children to think flexibly about numbers and enhances their problem-solving skills.

Next week we will be exploring number stories as an introduction to addition and subtraction.


This week in our thematic learning, we have embarked on an exciting journey exploring the past and present.

We began by reflecting on children’s own past experiences, including the joy of their birthdays and their previous learning milestones. We also touched on significant global events that have occurred during their lifetimes, as well as events that precede their existence. This exploration of history set the stage for our exciting adventure into space!

Imagining ourselves in rockets, we “blasted off” on a mission to the moon! Upon landing, we watched a captivating video of Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the lunar surface. This served as a fantastic starting point for our discussions about Neil Armstrong’s remarkable mission. In conjunction with the story “The Darkest Dark,” we encouraged the children to think critically and formulate questions they would hope to ask Armstrong.

To build on our learning experience, we role-played in pairs, asking and answering our questions. This activity not only enhanced their speaking and listening skills but also allowed them to engage in collaborative learning by working together.

As we discussed the excitement of moon travel, we also took the opportunity to reflect on its negative impacts. The children shared their thoughts and opinions on the environmental consequences of space travel, promoting an awareness of the broader implications of our exploration.

Next week we will be exploring what a rocket needs to successfully enter space. We will then design and make our own rockets whilst also exploring the force gravity.

Important dates

14th March 9 – 11am – Managing children’s behaviour workshop in the studio

14th March at 2pm– The Speaker 2025 Chilton final (parents of children speaking will be invited along to watch)

21st March – Red nose day/Rock your socks day for Downs Syndrome awareness. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary, originating in 1985. We would like to invite children to come into school in 1980s dress up. Children are invited to wear odd socks as part of their outfit to show support for Rock your socks Downs Syndrome awareness day.

21st March – Parents invited into school from 3.15 to look at their child’s learning prior to parent teacher consultations

24th March – Parent teacher consultation week

25th March – Year 3 trip to the Roman Museum

27th March – Year 1 local area walk

28th March – The Viking Speaker Final; 4 winners from Chilton to attend

2nd April at 9.05am – Easter Bonnet Parade for Reception, year 1 and year 2 in school hall

3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school

3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time.

Important information

  • Please make sure you have signed up to a parent teacher consultation if you have not already done so.

  • Thank you for coming in to read with your child at 3pm on Monday’s. As the weather begins to brighten up, please make use of our outside areas to read with your child.

  • PE kits need to be worn in to school each Thursday please.

  • Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.

  • All clothing to be named please

  • Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books

  • Reading books are changed every Tuesday and Friday, please place your child’s reading folder into the basket outside their classroom

  • From the beginning of term 4, we will begin to track reading at home. This is to encourage children's reading for pleasure and certificates will be given for certain milestones. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read at home ( we will count every read not every book read!) 

Thank you for your continued support. 

e-mail addresses



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695