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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 07.03.25

Important Messages

A reminder that Monday 10th March is World War II dress-up day.  Children are welcome to come as evacuees, soldiers and women in the factories.

Parent/Teacher Consultations are the week beginning 24th March.  Please make sure you sign up for a ten-minute slot with your child's class teacher.

Friday 21st March is both Comic Relief and Rock your Socks Day for Downs Syndrome Awareness and we will be supporting both at Chilton Primary School. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Comic Relief, which originated in 1985. Therefore, we invite children to wear either 80's dress-up or general party clothes. The 21st March is also Rock your Socks day, which aims to raise awareness for Downs Syndrome.


To support our children in preparation for SATs tests in May, we have been completing some practice papers.  Not only do these help teachers to assess what the children need, it also supports the children to know what to expect when we do the real tests.  Next week, we will be looking at time duration.


The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading the first chapter of 'Kensuke's Kingdom'.  We have been introduced to the characters.  Children predicted what they thought would happen and hot-seated the characters, asking them how they felt about the family deciding to sail around the world.  From this, we began to write a newspaper report, which we will continue next week.  We also enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday.  The children 'read' a wordless book 'Small Things' and discussed what was happening (a little boy has worries throughout the day but realises that talking to other people can help).  From this, they created a dialogue of what could be said in the story.  We also drew a storyboard of our own lives, showing what we think about keeps us up at night (positive and negative thoughts).



The children have loved our thematic learning of 'Paths to Peace'.  They have had so many questions about World War II.  We had a debate about whether Adolf Hitler was a good leader or not.  We then studied a range of sources and worked out what they were actually telling us.  This is an important skill to question the reliability of what we are told.


Love to Learn

This week, we would like you to solve these questions using the column method (or other suitable way)

1) 24 x 61

2) 45 x 32

3) 67 x 35

4) 4364 x 8

5) 1245 x 9

6) 654 x 57 

We would also like you to learn these words ready for a test next week.  They are all past tense verbs:












Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695