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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 28.02.25

Important Messages

06.03.25 - World Book Day.  Children are welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.

21.03.25 - Parents invited to see children's books prior to Parent/Teacher Consultations

21.03.25 - Red Nose Day and Rock Your Socks Day

24.03.25 - Parent/Teacher Consultation Week.  Please sign up to an available slot or speak to your child's class teacher if you are unable to make the selected dates and we will be happy to find a new time for you

28.03.25 - Speaker Competition 

A message from Miss Cheshire: The Viking Speaker 2025

The Speaker competition is an annual competition across the Viking Academy Trust that helps to develop children's Oracy skills. This week, in school, the children have each written an entry for the speaker competition. This year the children have been asked to write a two-minute speech convincing Mr McAuley to introduce a new subject of their choice into the curriculum. Next week, the children that wish to enter the competition will perform their speech to their classmates, with each class choosing one child to go through to the Chilton Final. Those children wishing to enter the competition have brought their speech home to practice. They may wish to edit their speech and practice performing their speeches to you at home. Any time you could give to support the children with this would be gratefully received. 

A message from Mrs. Rowland-Hill: World Book Day Thursday 6th March 2025 

This year's World Book Day theme at Chilton, will be picture books.  We invite children to share their favourite book on this day and if they wish. Children are invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book if they prefer.  We would like to remind families that there is no expectation for you to spend money on costumes.  An enjoyment of reading and sharing a story is our main aim for World Book Day.  

Book Fayre 

The Chilton Book Fayre will arrive on Monday 10th March and run until Friday 14th March outside the Year 5 classrooms. Children will come home with a World Book Day book voucher.  These can be spent at the Book Fayre. Cash and online payments are also available, and a percentage of the monies raised will go towards funding more books for Chilton children.  

Mrs Rowland-Hill - English Lead/Upper Phase Lead. 


This week, we have challenged our understanding of the order of operations by learning about BIDMAS (or BODMAS).  We discussed why it is important that calculations are solved in a certain order before trying it out for ourselves.  We also attempted to problem solve using algebra and creating our own algebraic sentences.


What new subject would you like to see taught in school?  Persuade Mr. McAuley to include this new subject into the curriculum.  We began the week by spending time planning out a speech for the Speaker Competition.  This is an oracy challenge that we invite all children to try.  We listened to and discussed a range of videos that showed how to speak confidently in front of an audience and then had time to rehearse our speech.  We have also been introduced to our new text, 'Kensuke's Kingdom', which is a real teacher favourite!  Next week, we will be writing newspaper reports based on the opening to this story.


On Monday, we focused our PSHE learning by discussing the British Values and exploring why they are important in life today.  This led on to learning the 9 protected characteristics that prohibit discrimination against your race, sex, gender reassignment, disability, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy and marriage/civil partnership and religion/belief.  We had a very mature discussion whilst learning about this before creating artwork that underpinned our learning of sexual orientation.  We read the book 'Pride', which explains the journey of Harvey Milk who created the pride flag and campaigned for equal rights.

The children have also been introduced to our new topic, 'Paths to Peace', where we discussed the Big Question, 'Can you ever really win a war?'  This topic will run across two terms and we will learn about how the Second World War impacts life today.


In Art this week, the children began printing.  Children experimented with additive-style monoprints and explored how to print an image onto paper.

Love to Learn

For your Love to Learn task this week, we would like everyone to spend time working on your Speaker Competition speech.  Each person should have brought home a copy of their speech.  Feel free to edit and improve it but definitely practise it!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695