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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

14/03/25 Weekly News!

Year 5 have blown us away this week with the outstanding work they have all produced! 


This week, we have started reading Odysseus, our second book of this term. We created our own mythical creatures. We had to think about their appearance, habitat, diet and behaviours. We have started writing non-chronological reports about our creatures. 

Next week, we will be completing our non–chronological reports. We will be thinking about Odysseus as a character, his personality and appearance to write a character description of him. 


This week, we have been learning to add and subtract money moving on to solving multi-step word problems.

Next week, we will be learning more about place value. We will be ordering, comparing and rounding numbers with two decimal places. 


This week in Thematic week we have learnt about the history of Greek myths, how fables link to Ancient Greece as well as looking at Greek architecture. 

Next week, we will be learning about the impact the ancient Greeks had on education and what that looks like today. We will also be learning that the way in which people represent ideas can persuade others. Thursday is our Greek Day. We will be participating in the Chilton Olympics 2025, Greek dancing and some Greek food tasting. Please bring/wear shoes that will be appropriate for the sports activities. 

Love to Learn  

This week, we would like you to find the shop where the following items cost the least and the most. You could do this on supermarket websites or by visiting stores. 

Shopping List 

3 pots of tzatziki 

6 packets of pitta bread 

Feta cheese 

3x cucumbers 

2 bottles of olive oil 

Greek olives 


Important Dates  

20th March – Year 5 Ancient Greek Dress Up Day and food tasting  

21st March – Red nose day/Rock your socks day for Downs Syndrome awareness. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary, originating in 1985. We would like to invite children to come into school in 1980s dress up. Children are invited to wear odd socks as part of their outfit to show support for Rock your socks Downs Syndrome awareness day.  

21st March – Parents invited into school from 3.15 to look at their child’s learning prior to parent-teacher consultations  

24th March – Parent-teacher consultation week  

28th March – The Viking Speaker Final; 4 winners from Chilton to attend  

3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school  

3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at the usual time.  


From the Year 5 Team  

Miss Isaac, Mrs King and Mr Cook 

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695