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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

7.3.25 Weekly News!

Another fantastic week in Year 5 this week. Well done everyone!


This week, we have been focusing on Greek myths and concentrating on Pandora’s box. We have looked at the features of comic book strips, what vocabulary needs to be included and how the differences in speech bubbles can show the characters' emotions and feelings.

Next week, we will be designing our own mythical creature and looking at non-chronological reports.


This week, we have learnt about multiplying improper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.

Next week, we will be learning about money using the column method to add and subtract money. Finishing the week with two-step word problems.


During our afternoon lessons, we introduced our new thematic unit called ‘Gods and Mortals’. We have been learning about Ancient Greek inventions, comparing Ancient Greece to modern-day Greece and about the creating of the Olympic Games.

Next week, we will be learning about why the Gods and Goddesses played a significant role in Ancient Greece, the fables of Aesop and the lessons they are teaching, and we will be looking at architecture. Can you please bring in a shoebox or small cardboard box for next Wednesday's architecture lesson.

Love to Learn 

This week, we would like you to research a famous Ancient Greek landmark and complete a piece of work around it. This can be creating the landmark with objects you have at home, completing a leaflet around the landmark, a diary entry of a day at the landmark or a piece of work of your choice.

Important Dates 

Book Fayre  

The Chilton Book Fayre will arrive on Monday 10th March and run until Friday 14th March outside the Year 5 classrooms. Children will come home with a World Book Day book voucher.  These can be spent at the Book Fayre. Cash and online payments are also available, and a percentage of the monies raised will go towards funding more books for Chilton children.  

 14th March 9 – 11am – Managing children’s behaviour workshop in the studio 

14th March at 2pm– The Speaker 2025 Chilton final (parents of children speaking will be invited along to watch) 

20th March – Year 5 Ancient Greek Dress Up Day and food tasting 

21st March – Red nose day/Rock your socks day for Downs Syndrome awareness. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary, originating in 1985. We would like to invite children to come into school in 1980s dress up. Children are invited to wear odd socks as part of their outfit to show support for Rock your socks Downs Syndrome awareness day. 

21st March – Parents invited into school from 3.15 to look at their child’s learning prior to parent teacher consultations 

24th March – Parent teacher consultation week 

28th March – The Viking Speaker Final; 4 winners from Chilton to attend 

3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school 

3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time. 


From the Year 5 Team 

Miss Isaac, Mrs King and Mr Cook 

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695