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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 21.03.25


Year 4 have had an excellent week of learning and giving their all to every subject. Maybe they know parents evening is coming up or maybe they are just being their wonderful selves! Either way, let’s have a look at what we’ve been learning this week.


In English this week, we have moved onto writing newspaper reports. We began by exploring lots of different newspapers to see what features they have and what differentiates them from the formal letters and diary entries we learnt earlier in the term. We have then been writing our own newspaper report about Ahmet’s journey from Syria to England. We made sure to write our introduction by answering the ‘5 Ws’ (Who? What? When? Why? Where?) and then looked at which characters we could interview to talk about Ahmet. We made sure to write about these interviews as direct and reported speech to give some variety to our writing and to practice the difference between both types of speech.

Next week we will be staying on newspapers as we build up to writing an entire report by ourselves at the end of the week.


This week, in maths, we have been learning about volume and capacity and the distinction between them; capacity being the amount something can hold and volume being the amount it is holding. We have learnt that 1 litre is equal to 1,000 millilitres and that converting litres to millilitres involves multiplying by 1,000 and going the other way involves dividing by 1,000. By using this we calculated that ¼ L = 250ml, ½ L = 500ml and ¾ L = 750ml.

Next week we will be revisiting our work on decimals numbers and rounding, combining them together to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number.


In thematic, we have moved onto the Science portion of our ‘Innovation Station’ topic. We have been learning about electricity and electrical circuits. We began by learning about which appliances use electricity and the different types of energy electricity might be converted into (thermal, sound, light and kinetic). We then learnt about what electrical components are needed to make some simple circuits. We got the chance to use wires, bulbs, batteries, buzzers and switches and explored how they fit together to make a complete circuit. We then introduced the idea of electrical insulators and electrical conductors and conducted experiments to determine which materials would fit into which category.

Next week we will be using our knowledge of circuits to try and design a product that incorporates a simple electrical circuit.


Spellings this week will be for the test on Thursday 27th March

Mrs Cousin’s group: play    stay     crayon     clay   spray    sway    tray    stray       delay      people

challenge words:    always     stingray  yesterday

Mr Oxley and Miss Stephen’s groups: ordinary    particular     peculiar     perhaps     popular     position     possess    possession     possible     potatoes


Love to learn:

Since we have been learning about volume and capacity this week. We’d like you to go on a hunt for things with the following volumes and capacities:

Find something with:

  • A volume of 500ml

  • A capacity of 2L

  • A volume of 330ml

  • A capacity of 1000ml

  • A volume of 1.5L

  • A capacity of 750ml

  • The biggest capacity you can find

You can write your findings as a list, take photos of them as evidence or draw what you find.

Good hunting!



The Margate Rotary's Young Artists' Festival 2025

The theme this year is British Wildlife and Living on the Coast.

To enter, please create your artwork on an A4 sized piece of paper. Any medium can be used but it must be able to fit within a frame. Write your name, age and class on the back of the artwork and return to your class teacher by WEDNESDAY 2nd APRIL.  



Dates to remember:

24th March – Parent teacher consultation week

28th March – The Viking Speaker Final; 4 winners from Chilton to attend

3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school

3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time.


Many thanks

We hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cousins and Mr Oxley

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695