We’ve had yet another fun-filled week in Year 2. This week, we have seen the children have been eagerly claiming their Wonka Bar rewards and the excitement doesn’t stop there! We have seen some children have been spending their World Book Day vouchers and is has been a joy to see them exploring various titles and engaging with their reading materials.
We have continued our exploration of non-fiction texts and have taken a rather thrilling plunge into the fascinating world of sharks—pardon the pun!
Our current class text, "Surprising Sharks," has sparked some wonderfully engaging discussions among the children. Through this enthralling text, they have developed a keen interest in these magnificent creatures and have been eager to learn more.
As part of our lessons, the children have been utilising various sentence structures to create informative fact files about sharks. They have been labelling images, writing captions, and crafting sentences that incorporate questions, statements, and exclamations. It has been delightful to witness their creativity and enthusiasm as they delve into the subject matter.
To continue supporting their learning at home, we would recommend encouraging your child to share some interesting facts they've discovered about sharks.
Reading at 3 - Every Friday at 3 our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading.
Reading folders – Some children will continue to bring home two books, one being a RWI home book. Children are expected to try and read this three times during the week to ensure they are building on their reading fluency. The RWI home books will be changed by an adult.
The other book (with the coloured sticker) should be changed independently by the child themselves - first thing in the morning is a great time to do this!
Many children have now been moved onto the accelerated reader programme. (Please check their reading records for their ZPD scores. We will continue to assess and move more children onto this when they are ready. Children can change these books after they have completed the quiz online. The AR login can be found here… https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/1892319
For a guide on how to use Accelerated Reader please click here… https://www.chiltonprimary.co.uk/accelerated-reader
Please ensure that the reading folders are placed in the reading trays/baskets, so we can read with your children and ensure books get changed. Thank you for your support with this!
Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly.
We kicked off the week by taking our rulers outdoors, where the children learned the importance of starting at zero when measuring. It's been delightful to see them applying this skill in real-world contexts! As we delved deeper, we explored the relationship between metres and centimetres. The pupils discovered that there are 100 centimetres in a metre, 50 centimetres in half a metre, and 25 centimetres in a quarter of a metre. The "aha!" moments have been plentiful as they grasp these concepts!
As their confidence grew, we encouraged them to estimate the lengths of various objects around us. It's been wonderful to witness their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. This practical approach not only reinforces their mathematical understanding but also makes it relatable and enjoyable.
Looking ahead to next week, we will be moving on to applying the four operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—to measurements. This is a crucial step as they begin to integrate these skills into more complex problem-solving scenarios.
We have continued to explore the life and legacy of Florence Nightingale.
We kicked off the week by exploring the incredible impact that Florence has had on modern medicine. It was eye-opening for the children to discover how many of her ideas are still used in hospitals today. We talked about just how important she was in her time, and how her legacy still affects us today.
We also had a great time comparing medical instruments from Florence's era to what we use today. It really brought to life the differences and improvements we've seen over the years, while highlighting the basic principles that Florence introduced that are still so important.
To wrap up the week, we got creative and made lamps similar to the one Florence used during her night rounds. The children filled their lamps with facts about her life and the amazing things she did, which was a lovely way to remember what we’ve learned.
Love to Learn
Next week, in maths, we will be developing our measurement skills. We would love to see the children measure and draw lines too make a picture! Don’t forget to write how long the line is next to it!
Get creative and have fun!
Dates to Remember
14th March 9 – 11am – Managing children’s behaviour workshop in the studio
21st March – Red nose day/Rock your socks day for Downs Syndrome awareness. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary, originating in 1985. We would like to invite children to come into school in 1980s dress up. Children are invited to wear odd socks as part of their outfit to show support for Rock your socks Downs Syndrome awareness day.
21st March – Parents invited into school from 3.15 to look at their child’s learning prior to parent teacher consultations
24th March – Parent teacher consultation week
2nd April at 9.05am – Easter Bonnet Parade for Reception, year 1 and year 2 in school hall
3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school
3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Kennedy and Mrs Winchcombe and all the Year 2 team.
Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Azure – poppy.winchcombe@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Miss Maddy Kennedy – Team Peacock – maddy.kennedy@chiltonprimary.co.uk