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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 21.3.25

What a fantastic week we have had! Take a look what we have been up to….

Book Look

Thank you for coming in to see the children’s amazing learning they have done so far in Year 1.

Local area walk for Year 1

On Thursday 27th March, Year 1 will be going on a local area walk to consolidate some of the learning we will have completed in our thematic unit this term. Team Sapphire will be leaving at 9am and Team Cornflower at 9:45am. If you are a helper, please wait at the office and we will come and collect you. Children will need to wear their school uniform and must have a coat in school on this day. Many thanks.

Do you have any of the following….?

We are so excited to be getting out in the Year One garden more now that the sun has come out. We have been busy during Power Play, planting lots of summer flowering bulbs, fertilising the soil with coffee grounds and egg shells and watering the flower bed. The children have been asking so many great questions and they have enjoyed talking about times when they have planted seeds or bulbs at home. They're really looking forward to seeing the flowers start to grow.

We would love to add more plants to outdoor area. If you have any of the following spare at home, we would be so grateful for donations:

Plants (outdoor/indoor)

Cuttings of plants

Plant pots of all sizes

Seed sowing trays


Watering cans

Phonics Meeting

Many thanks to the families who were able to attend the phonics screen information meeting this afternoon. We have attached the PowerPoint and past phonics screen papers for you to look at. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks.


This week in maths, we have been learning about division!

On Monday we practiced sharing and we had to share objects equally between groups. We learnt that equal means the same so it is important to work systematically when sharing items between groups. We had to take turns, making sure not to miss a group out when sharing. We shared real objects in sharing hoops on the ground. Some of us shared counters between smaller sharing hoops.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we learnt to put an amount into equal groups. We used counters or cubes to do this. We had to count out the correct number of objects carefully first and then put them into groups of the correct amount. We learnt that the answer is how many groups are made. Today we had great fun solving problems. We had to use the skill of the term ‘working backwards’ to solve some problems e.g. I add 3 to a number. The answer is 9. What was the number I started with.

Next week, we will be looking at fractions!

Fact of the week

Our fact of the week this week is:




Read, Write Inc.

This week in Read, Write Inc. we have been reviewing sounds we know and learning new sounds. We have continued to use our sounds to read and write words, phrases and sentences. In particular, we have been looking for special friends in our words, saying the sounds and reading the word. Any practise at home reading a word by finding the special friends, saying the sounds and reading the word would be greatly appreciated! We have also been working hard on our handwriting and writing sentences with capital letters and full stops. On Friday, we completed a writing task where we had to write where some animals lived in the world. As a challenge we had to write if they were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. The adults were so impressed with our writing well done Year 1!


Mondays – RWI books to be changed by an adult. Please could ALL reading wallets be put in the trays so that we can check who has earned a certificate.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – children can change their learning zone book (the one with the coloured sticker on). Please help them to have this book ready to change when they come in to the classroom in the mornings. Thank you!

Children will bring home two books in their reading folders, one being a RWI home book. Children are expected to try and read this three times during the week to ensure they are building on their reading fluency. The RWI home books will be changed, by an adult, every Monday.

The other book (with the coloured sticker) should be changed independently by the child themselves (on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)- first thing in the morning is a great time to do this! These books can be changed as regularly as needed.

Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in an assembly.

Children will also get a certificate for every 20 times they read so it is important that the reading record gets signed every time they read at home. BOTH RWI BOOKS AND THE LEARNING ZONE BOOKS CAN BE RECORDED IN THE READING RECORDS!

There will also be a sticker in your child’s reading record which will explain which skill they are working on with regards to their reading.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.


This week in our Explorers unit we were Geographers! We recapped on the 4 Countries in the United Kingdom and learnt that the UK is an island. We then learnt all about the seas which surround it. We looked at maps of the United Kingdom using atlases, we found facts about the 4 seas; English Channel, Irish sea, North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. We then used our map skills to plot them onto a map ourselves!

On Thursday and Friday we used an atlas to look at the world map and name the 7 continents of the world we looked at how the United Kingdom is part of Europe We then used Europe as a starting point on the map and used the directions North, East South and West to find and locate the continents of the world. We were even able to correctly label the continents on a world map!

Next week on Monday we have our computing day and in thematic we will have our local area walk and end of unit quiz.

Love to Learn

Love to Learn books need to be returned on Wednesday each week.

For this weeks love to learn we would love you to find facts about your favourite continent. You could display this any way you wish.

Please remember that children are only allowed to use 1 page in their books each week. Thank you!


The Margate Rotary's Young Artists' Festival 2025

The theme this year is British Wildlife and Living on the Coast.

To enter, please create your artwork on an A4 sized piece of paper. Any medium can be used but it must be able to fit within a frame. Write your name, age and class on the back of the artwork and return to your class teacher by WEDNESDAY 2nd APRIL.  

Show and Tell

A reminder that children should not be bringing any toys into school as these can get easily broken or lost. If children would like to do show and tell, please email a picture of the show and tell to class teacher(s) and we can use this when the children share with the class. Please could all parents ensure that children are not bringing toys etc in from home.

Other news

Children are no longer required to wear trainers into school on a Monday.

PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. Children need to wear a plain white t-shirt, black or navy bottoms and a plain black or blue sweatshirt.

Next weeks Read at 3 will be our last one of this term, as the following week we break up on the Thursday. 

Dates to remember

24th March – Parent teacher consultation week

27th March – Year 1 local area walk

2nd April at 9.05am – Easter Bonnet Parade for Reception, year 1 and year 2 in school hall

3rd April – Easter Egg Hunts in school

3rd April – Last day of term. School finishes at usual time.

If you would like to contact us, please feel free to email, alternatively we are available to catch at the end of the day or the start of the day by the door.

Team Cornflower:

Team Sapphire: and

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!


Miss Hall, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Howard


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695