Weekly News! 15.11.2024
What a wonderful week we have had in Year 1! The children have been a delight to teach and are impressing us each and every day with their incredible learning.
Read, Write Inc.
This week in Read, Write Inc. we have been reviewing sounds we know and learning new sounds. We have continued to use our sounds to read and write words, phrases and sentences. In particular, we have been looking for special friends in our words, saying the sounds and reading the word. Any practise at home reading a word by finding the special friends, saying the sounds and reading the word would be greatly appreciated! We have also been working hard on our handwriting and writing sentences with capital letters and full stops.
This week in maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). The children loved taking part in the different activities to learn about this! You could consolidate this learning at home by having some races in the garden as a family (hopping, skipping etc) and seeing who finishes where in the race! We would love to see any photos of you taking part in your own family Olympics! At the end of the week, we looked at describing and continuing number sequences e.g.
3, 4, 5, 6….
13, 12, 11, 10…..
2, 4, 6, 8…
5, 10, 15, 20…..
30, 40, 50, 60…..
Fact of the week
Our fact of the week this week is:
2+2=4 (linking to doubles)
We will also look at the inverse of this fact (4-2=2)
Our fact of the week next week will be:
3+3=6 (linking to doubles) and the inverse fact (6-3=3)
Next week in maths, we will be looking at the value of coins up to 50p, learning to exchange money and finding amounts in different ways.
This week the whole school has celebrated PSHE week. This week we really unpicked what kindness is, how we can be kind to others and also how we can be kind to ourselves. We learned what bullying is and what to do is people are unkind. At the end of the week, we learned about empathy.
Next week, we will be learning about how technology is used at school, in the classroom, at home and in the outside world. We will also learn how to use technology responsibly to keep us and others safe. We will look at a laptop, learn what the different parts of the laptop are called and what they are used for. We will also learn about the mouse and how we can use it in different ways. The children will also learn how to use the keyboard to type and how to use it to edit the text on a laptop.
Next week, we will continue with our Thunderbolts and Lightening learning. We will learn about trees and plants and how and why these change. We will learn about leaves falling from the trees, blossom and flowers dying/changing colours. At the end of the week, children will learn that there are different types of trees and that these can be grouped as evergreen or deciduous. We will visit the forest area at school and identify the different types of trees.
Mondays – RWI books to be changed by an adult. Please could ALL reading wallets be put in the trays so that we can check who has earned a certificate.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – children can change their learning zone book (the one with the coloured sticker on). Please help them to have this book ready to change when they come in to the classroom in the mornings. Thank you!
Children will bring home two books in their reading folders, one being a RWI home book. Children are expected to try and read this three times during the week to ensure they are building on their reading fluency. The RWI home books will be changed, by an adult, every Monday.
The other book (with the coloured sticker) should be changed independently by the child themselves (on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)- first thing in the morning is a great time to do this! These books can be changed as regularly as needed.
Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in an assembly.
Children will also get a certificate for every 20 times they read so it is important that the reading record gets signed every time they read at home. BOTH RWI BOOKS AND THE LEARNING ZONE BOOKS CAN BE RECORDED IN THE READING RECORDS!
There will also be a sticker in your child’s reading record which will explain which skill they are working on with regards to their reading.
If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Love to Learn
Well done to all of the children who have been completing their love to learn tasks. We can see that a lot of time and effort has gone in to completing these activities – well done!
Part of our thematic learning this term is to learn about the 4 countries which make up the UK. We will be learning where they are on a map, their capital cities and their flags. We will also be exploring foods traditionally associated with these countries.
This week for Love to Learn, we would like you to research the foods associated with the countries as follows:
Red Romans - England
Yellow Saxons - Northern Ireland
Green Normans - Scotland
Blue Vikings - Wales
Just to give you advanced warning, next week, the children will be asked to make/buy a dish (if you are able) from the countries listed above and bring the dish in on THURSDAY 28th NOVEMBER. We must ask that no foods contain nuts. For allergy reasons, we also ask that food which has been brought comes in to school in the original packaging and any homemade food has a list of ALL ingredients. We really do appreciate your help and support with this!
Please remember that children are only allowed to use 1 page in their books each week. Thank you!
Love to Learn books need to be returned on Wednesday each week (Thursday the following week).
Other news
Sports Slam (our additional PE lesson) is on a Monday. This is where the children will refine a skill each term, for this term our skill is jumping. Please can the children wear trainers and their normal school uniform on this day.
PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. Children need to wear a plain white t-shirt, black or navy bottoms and a plain black or blue sweatshirt.
Read at 3 is on every Friday at 3pm this is where we would love to invite you into our classrooms and read with your child for 15 minutes. This will happen every Friday this term.
Dates to remember
22nd November -Year 1 and 6 Come Dine with Me
11th December – Chilton Christmas Fair from 3.15 – 4.30
16th December – Year 1 Nativity at 9am
17th December – Reception, year 1 and year 2 Christmas party day (party clothes to be worn)
20th December – Christmas jumper day (children can wear usual school uniform with a Christmas jumper)
20th December – School Christmas dinner
20th December – Last day of school; School finishes at 2pm; No after school club on this day
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to email, alternatively we are available to catch at the end of the day or the start of the day by the door.
Team Cornflower: eloise.hall@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Team Sapphire: nicki.cotton@chiltonprimary.co.uk and elaine.howard@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Miss Hall, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Howard
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