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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 10.05.24

Important Dates

  • May 13th - 16th - SATs week

  • May 20th - 23rd - Viking Games (Year 5 and 6 on the Monday)

  • May 24th - Dress to Express 

  • June 12th - Year 6 pasta cooking lesson 

  • July 3rd or 4th or 5th (these dates are confirmed by the children’s secondary school 

  • July 10th - sports day (KS1 and KS2) 

  • July 15th, 16th & 17th July - Chilton Transition Days 

  • July 18th - Inflatable fun day & Year 6 party 

  • July 19th - End of term - Y6 Graduation 


This week, the children have been enjoying a daily breakfast to reward them for their hard work in preparation for SATs, which are happening next week.  Complimentary breakfasts will continue next week from 8am up until Thursday.  We encourage all children to come along even if they choose to eat at home; there is a wide selection of food.

We will be conducting the tests in the mornings of next week.  After break, we will be preparing for the following day's test through games and retrieval practice.  

We work hard... and we play hard!  We enjoyed some well-deserved ice creams on Friday, ready for the SATs next week.


In English this week, the children were introduced to our new text, Rose Blanche, which is a picture book that builds on their understanding of World War II.  The children wrote a setting description of Rose's small town as she waves the soldiers off to war.  We also used passive voice to create a poster, inviting the residents of the town to the celebration.


In Maths, we worked on our retrieval skills and played games to enhance our understanding of the themes we have worked on this year.  This includes working on fractions, decimals and percentages, calculating areas of rectilinear shapes and recapping the four operations.  


The children thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the effects of World War II.  Last week, they learned about how the economies of the world develop and they understood how natural resources of different countries affect their trade.  This week, they learned that Britain's economy was delicate after the war; countries learned about the impact of World War One so mistakes were not repeated: instead of forcing Germany to pay for the war, countries worked together to pay for the war.  They used war bonds to encourage citizens to give money to fund the fighting.  We created war bond posters, focusing on propaganda techniques within our artwork.

Love to Learn

We would like you to enjoy the weekend sunshine this week.  Reset, relax and prepare for the week ahead.  You have worked hard for this - just one more push to go!  

On Friday - after the SATs - you are welcome to bring in a board game so that we can play them together.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695