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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Week Beginning 07/07/2023


Important messages

  • Please bring in 3 strong carrier bags to school next week. We are going to start the annual tidy up so you will be carrying home books and items from school.
  • Please check the letter emailed and sent home on paper about Sports Day on Monday. Pupils need to wear brightly coloured sports kit OR your normal PE kit. Year 6 also need to bring a change of clothes and a towel as they will be taking part in our annual fun Chilton Challenge.


Other Key dates coming up:


Monday 10th July - Sport’s Day from 9.15am

Wednesday 12th July - Trip to Elev8 (Clothing suitable to bounce – sportswear)

Friday 14th July – Trip to Go Ape (Clothing suitable for high ropes and trainers)

Monday 17th Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th – Pupils to come in own sportswear for activities on the field.

Thursday 20th – Inflatable fun day and Year 6 Leaver’s Party (3:30 – 6pm)

Friday 21st July - Graduation Day – Parents to be on the school field for 9:45

Learning in Year 6:

This week:

We have been preparing for Sports Day by making flags, rehearsing a performance and also finding out who is our fastest boys and girls for the running races. We have also created a year group piece of art to be displayed in the hall for all to see. It was inspired by our trip to London last week. We have also taken part in our end of term quiz, which was based on our learning about WW2.  Thank you to all those who were able to attend and take part!

Next Week:

The children will be learning about the impact of bullying, on and offline. We will also be creating the final piece for an art project we have been working on. This will be a Blitz-themed street scene, using our newly learnt proportion and perspective drawing skills. For a whole morning next week, we will be learning about how to look after our money and to spend it responsibly. In our Computing lesson, we will be reviewing what we have learnt in our coding lesson and evaluating what we have made online.


Love to Learn:

Your task this week is to return any reading books or other items, such as sport kits, that belong to the school!



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695