Blog Post: 02/12/22
Yet another fantastic week in year 5. The children have been working incredibly hard and produced some wonderful work. Here is what we have been learning about this week:
This week we have been writing the first chapter in our own narratives. We have based our narratives on the book The Jamie Drake Equation. Just like Jamie, we have met an extra-terrestrial and have written about our first encounter and how we feel about or first meeting. The skills we have been focusing on when writing our first chapter are using complex sentences and sentence openers. We have also been using figurative language to describe our characters and settings.
Next week we will be writing the next Chapter in our narrative.
For maths, we have been looking at volume and capacity. To make our learning more practical, we used random containers with no measurements on them and estimated their capacity. We then used water and measuring cylinders to find out whether we were correct.
Next week we are looking at problem solving when using different measurements
We have continued our exploration into space this week, focusing on the constellations and the moon. We have learnt about the moon’s cycle and why it seems to change shape over time and what some of the constellations are and how they were used for travel. We have made our learning hands-on and practical by using different materials to help us represent these space phenomena.
Love to Learn
This week, we would like you show either the cycles of the moon or a constellation using any materials you would like. You could use lego, stones, clay, food or any other type of material to show your constellation or moon cycle. Make it creative and make it fun!
For the Christmas production, we would like you to send your teacher a photo of your Christmas. I needs to show a tradition or event that you have on Christmas day. These photos will be shown on the big screen during our Christmas production so please send in pictures that you are happy to share with the rest of the school.
Art Competition
For this Terms art competition, we are asking children to design ANYTHING in the style of Yayoi Kusama. Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called 'the princess of polka dots'. Although she makes lots of different types of art – paintings, sculptures, performances and installations – they have one thing in common, DOTS!
It is up to you what you design, how you design it or how you would like to present it!
Entries are due in by 9th January – Please pass these on to your class teachers. Enjoy!
- PE will continue to be on a Monday. Please could children come to school in full school PE kit. PE will not take place on the last week of term (Monday 12th December).
- On Wednesday, we have our additional PE time. Please could children wear full school uniform and trainers on this day. Additional PE will not take place on the last week of term (Wednesday 14th December) Year 5 and 6 Christmas Production – Wednesday 14th December at 2:30
- Christmas Parties – Thursday 15th December
- Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner – Friday 16th December
- Term 2 ends at 2pm – Friday 16th December
- Term 3 begins – Wednesday 4th January