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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 28.3.24

Year 5 have had a fantastic week to end Term 4! Thank you to the amazing efforts that went in to making the Easter bonnets. 


This week, we finished the story of Odysseus's return to Ithaca and were delighted when he reunited with his wife and son after 19 long years. We planned and wrote our own additional challenge that Odysseus faced after defeating the cyclops. Some of us even had him facing off against Medusa! We also published our work for the first time in Year 5. Next term, we will be reading Michelle Paver's 'Wolf Brother'. 


In Maths this week, we continued last week's angles topic before moving on to practising our multiplication and division skills. We focused on multiplying two digit numbers by other two digit numbers and interpreting remainders in different contexts. In week 1 of Term 5 we will be working with powers of 10 and Roman numerals. 


This week, we completed our Term 5 thematic unit, 'Gods and Mortals'. We looked at the history and importance of democracy before comparing how it was in Athens in ancient Greek times to how it is in our lives today. We also compared what life was like in an ancient Greek city state to how life is in modern day Britain. Finally, we completing our Computing lessons, looking at password security, inputs, outputs and processes and animation of a sprite using block coding. Next term, our thematic unit will be titled 'Tides of Change'. 

Home Learning

For home learning over the Easter break, please could children rest, relax, eat lots of chocolate and spend some quality time with loved ones. (Also, don't miss the final of Gladiators!)

Next term's PE for children will be SWIMMING and this will take place on FRIDAY AFTERNOONS. Children can come to school in PE kit and change for swimming at the leisure centre. 

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 15th April - Term 5 begins

Have a wonderful, well-earned break. 

The Year 5 team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695