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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 9th June 2023

Year 5 have settled straight into Term 6 and had a wonderful week of learning. Year 5 also showed magnificent courage to complete their Cognitive Ability Tests this week. These will be sent off to be marked and results will be with parents soon. 


In Maths this week, Year 5 have been looking at co-ordinates. We learnt how to find and plot co-ordinates on a one quadrant grid before progressing onto four quadrants and negative numbers in our co-ordinates. We then recapped translation and using co-ordinates to show the movement of shapes. Next week, we will be properties of shape and parallel lines.


In English, we have watched a YouTube short entitled 'The Piano', which is a melancholic story of an elderly man playing the piano and reflecting on his life as he does so. We used to emotive language to write a piece describing the opening of the video focusing on the eerie nature of the melody.


In our afternoons this week, we have competed our PSHE unit on Healthy Realtionships, focusing on the healthy relationships in our lives and how to maintain them as well as how to have and maintain healthy relationships online and what to do if the group chat turns nasty. We also completed our RE unit about groups in the local community. Next week, we will begin our Term 6 Thematic unit 'Kings and Queens'.

Home Learning 

National Rail competition 

Years 3 – 5 were visited by Nicola from the National Rail who taught them all about train safety. We have a fun competition that we would love you to participate in! 

Design a rail safety poster on A4 (landscape) all about: 

  • Station safety. 
  • Level crossing safety. 
  • Or on-board train safety. 

    The winner will receive: 
  • A family day ticket to London including High speed 1 trains. 
  • Artwork will be displayed in the Petley arch at the station mounted on boards. 
  • You will be invited to the launch of the new station ceremony on 8th September. 
  • You will then get your artwork back placed on mounted board. 
  • Entries must be in by Wednesday 28th June. 

     We can’t wait to see your entries! 

Key Dates:

Non Uniform Day (bring a bottle) and white bags out for Summer Fair - 16th June

Class Photos - 22nd June

Summer Fair - 23rd June

Year 5 assembly - 6th July

Sports Day - 10th July

End of Term - 2pm 21st July

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team x 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695