Friday 13th January 2023
We’ve had a great first full week back in year 5. The children have been working hard and enjoying their learning.
This week in English, we have been writing an online news report about Usain Bolt’s 100m victory at the 2012 Olympics. We worked with partners from other classes to write quotes from Bolt and other competitors displaying our knowledge of speech and punctuation. We planned our reports and then focused on organising our writing and use of vocabulary.
Next week we will be focusing on persuasive writing.
For maths, we were looking at decimal numbers. We were learning how to round to the nearest whole number, as well and add and subtract decimals. This included looking at money in pounds and pence.
Next week we will be focusing on multiplication, prime numbers and cubed numbers.
This week, we started our new topic ‘Material World’. We started this by visiting the ‘Hands and Molecules’ statue in Ramsgate. We discussed why it was build, the materials used to make it and then sketched it. Next, we discussed sustainable materials and what materials we can recycle. We designed models that communicate the message Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. The next day, we made our models out of recyclable materials. Finally, we carried out an experiment to explore materials that either conduct or insulate thermic energy.
Next week we will be investigating thermal conductors, dissolving and filtering.
Love To Learn
For your home learning, we would like you to create a poster, slideshow, video, artwork or speech promoting recycling. You will need to state which materials can be recycled and why it is important!
Mr Mason and Mr Abel: Weigh, sleigh, neighbour, grey, prey, eighty, obey
Miss Stagg and Mrs Comber: Glistening, jostle, nestled, bustle, soften
Miss Hayzelden: Strength, length, February, island, answer
PE this term will be on a WEDNESDAY. Please could children come to school in correct kit. Sports Project will be on a TUESDAY. Please could children come to school in uniform with trainers. Sports club will begin Monday 9/1/23.
- Young Voices – Monday 16th January
- Number Day – Friday 3rd February
- Online Safety Day – 7th February
- Term 3 ends Friday 10th February (3:15pm)
Advance Notice – World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March
Have a great weekend!
Team Year 5