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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 21.6.24

Another wonderful week has been and gone and the end of term is fast approaching. Fortunately, the weather has been fantastic and Year 4 have been absolutely buzzing with energy during playtime. The children are all aware now of who will be their teacher next year and so, to prepare for this transition, we have all written questions for Mr Cook, Mrs King and Mrs Isaac to find out a bit more about them and Year 5. We can’t wait to hear what they have to say and they will add a video to next week’s blog answering all our questions.

In other news, we were fortunate to have Tatton Spiller visit us recently to discuss the upcoming general election. His informative session on how voting works and the different policies each party has that could impact our schools was truly engaging. It's crucial for our children to understand the importance of participating in the democratic process and being informed citizens, and Tatton's visit was a valuable learning experience for them.


In English, we have been working on writing our showpiece for newspaper reports. It has been truly remarkable to see the improvement in the quality of Year 4’s writing compared to our last reports. The students have not only honed their technical skills but have also developed a keen understanding of the tone and style required of a reporter. Year 4 have really grasped the importance of engaging the reader throughout their reports. They have shown a remarkable ability to maintain interest and keep their audience hooked until the very end.

Next week we will be moving onto writing persuasive monologues and how to describe characters from different viewpoints.


This week in Maths we have been working on estimating and measuring length and mass and then converting between measurements (cm to m). The children were given lists of objects around the classroom and had to estimate how long or heavy they were (using the correct measurement of course). We then learnt how to accurately use scales, rules, measuring wheels etc. to find out the actual length and mass of those items.


In Geography this week, we have been looking at maps and the information they give us about an area. We have learnt to identify the symbols for churches, campsites, car parks, etc. and have been able to describe how certain features on a map are grouped systematically. In Spain for instance, citrus fruits were only shown to grow in Northern Spain in an oceanic climate and oil drilling only seemed to occur near the coast. We then learned how to use read and write 4 figure grid references. These are the numbers you often see on the edges of a map and can help pinpoint precise locations. Since we have learned lots about reading graphs in Maths, we could draw parallels with the 4 figure grid references as they follow many of the same rules like ‘along the corridor, up the stairs’.

Next week, we will be moving into the Science portion of our topic and looking at the classification of plants and animals. On Wednesday we will be having our Spanish afternoon!

Home Learning

This week, we would like you to have a look around your house to measure the length and weight of. Use kitchen or bathroom scales to get an accurate weight of your choices. Can you find objects that are totally different but are the exact same weight or length?

Draw or stick in pictures of the objects and record their length and weight next to them.


In our spelling this week, we are looking at words ending in -ing

Travelling, cancelling, beginning, forgetting, skipping, knitting

Dragging, giggling, staring, swinging, bringing

Pay attention to those double letters!


On Wednesday 26th June we will be finishing off our Spain learning with a ‘Spanish Celebration’ afternoon. The children are invited to come to school wearing the colours of the Spanish Flag, red and yellow, or they can even wear traditional Spanish clothes such as flamenco dresses or a traditional Spanish Gillet (we may call this a ‘bull fighting’ outfit). We will be enjoying an afternoon of all things Spanish including trying out Flamenco dancing with castanets!

Dates to remember  

June 26th – Year 4 Spanish Celebration Afternoon

July 10th - Sports Day – KS2 – 9am – 11.30am

July 11th - Music evening

July 15th, 16th & 17th July - Chilton Transition days – The children will spend these 3 days with their new teacher(s)

July 18th - Inflatable fun day

July 19th - End of term – school finishes at 2pm


We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year 4 Team

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695