What a fantastic end to Term 1 Year 3 have had. We are so proud of the children for their hard work, determination and fantastic attitude towards their learning this term.
In English we have finished reading Lila and the Secret of the Rain. We rewrote the middle to make Lila's journey to the top of the mountain more exciting. We focussed on using ambitious adjectives and prepositions in our writing. We used words such as exhausted, terrified and famished to describe how Lila was feeling during her journey.
When we return to school after half term, we will be reading 'The Green Ship', a book written by Quentin Blake. We will be using the brilliant illustrations within the book to write contrasting setting descriptions, focussing on using ambitious adjectives to describe a place and describe the five senses.
This week, we have been learning how to convert between analogue and digital time independently up to five minute intervals. We were so impressed with the children's resilience with this tricky topic. To end the week, we completed a range of activities to revise our learning from this term, including the four operations and partitioning.
When we return to school in Term 2, we will begin our maths learning by looking at fractions, including how to find fractions of amounts.
In the afternoon, we have participated in some lovely RE lessons, learning about signs and symbols in different religions. We also considered which symbols are precious to us and why.
After half-term, we will begin our new thematic unit 'Feel the Force. See the Light'. We will begin the week by conducting scientific experiments to study the forces of push and pull.
Home Learning
For Home Learning, we would love children to keep reading four times a week. We have set a book on MyOn for children to read about forces and to quiz on in preparation for next term.
We would also love children to create a collage, poster or presentation about their half-term. We would love to see what they have been up to, including days out and favourite television programmes watched.
Important Messages
Monday 30th October is an INSET day. Children return to school as normal on Tuesday 31st October.
Due to swimming starting, our Sports Project will be moved to a THURSDAY next term. PLease could children come to school in normal uniform and trainers.
Year 3 will begin swimming on Friday 3rd November. Please could children come to school wearing their school PE kits and bring their swimming things in a bag to get changed into at the pool.
29th November - Year 3 and 5 Come Dine. Parents will be invited into school to have lunch with their children. Details of this and how to book will be released nearer the time.
We hope you have a lovely half-term!
The Year 3 Team