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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 14.6.24

What a great week Team Aqua and Team Topaz have had Check out what we have been up to!


This week in Maths, we have been looking at statistics! We have read and represent data using a Carroll diagram, a Venn diagram, a block chart, pictogram and tally chart. On Monday we voted on our favourite colour and animal and then used a tally chart for our findings. Next, we then made a pictogram and block chart to show our findings. We have shown how we can interpret and read various data as well as collecting our own data from class.

Next week we will be looking at word problems using the 4 operations in length!

Fact of the week!

Next week our Fact of the Week is 6 X 10 = 60


This week in English we have continued the book Grace and Family. This week we have looked at the Gambian flag and what the different colours represent and used conjunctions to expand our sentences. On Thursday we tasted, smelt and felt a range of exotic fruits that might be found in The Gambia markets (just like in the book). We then wrote a factual description of the fruits.

Next week we will be starting a new book The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl! 


In SPaG this week, when focusing on Punctuation and Grammar, we have continued to look at conjunctions to extend our sentences. We focused on and, but, if, so and because.

When focusing on spelling, we focused on common exception words! Each week we will be recapping the spelling of a selection of common exception words. Please feel free to practise these at home too. This week we will be looking at…


To kick start Wonderful World, we looked at what is in our wonderful world. We used MRS GREN, to classify objects into alive, dead and never been alive. We had to collect a selection of objects to see if we could trick our teams out!

On Wednesday, we went to Monkton Nature Reserve to look at minibeasts in their habitats and microhabitats. We had so much fun pond dipping and looking at water boatman, pond skippers, newts and we even saw nymphs which are dragonfly and damsel young!

Home Learning

Important Information

Sports Project for next term will change back to a Tuesday. P.E will continue to be on a Monday.  

Summer Fair

Our Chilton Summer Fair will take place on Friday 5th July from 3.15-5. In order to be able to run the fair, we need a little bit of help from our families. 

-On Friday 21st June, we will send home a white bag. Please can you decorate this and add in some small treats e.g. sweets or a small toy. Please can these come back into school on Friday 28th June.

-On Friday 28th June, we will have a whole school non-uniform day. In return, please can we ask that KS2 bring in a bottle for our tombola stall. Reception and KS1, please can you bring in a prize that matches your child's house colour for our rainbow raffle prize. Please can we ask that these donations come into school on Friday 5th July.

-Finally, we will also be running a 'Take home a teddy' stall. If you have any unwanted soft toys, please could you send these into school before Friday 5th July.

We are hugely grateful for any help you can give.

Key Dates

17th June - Book fair in school

5th July Summer Fair 3.15- 5pm

10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3

12th July - School reports out to parents

15th, 16th, 17th July - Transitions days (children to spend these days with their new teachers)

18th July - Inflatable fun day

19th July - School finishes at 2pm


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday! 

From the Year 2 Team!






Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695