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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 1

Page 5

  • 11/05/23

    Friday 12th May

    Another marvellous week for us all in Year 1! Read, Write Inc The children have been continuing to work hard in their RWI sessions this week. When reading we have been encouraging children to spot the special friend in the word before sounding it out (Fred talking). For example in the word pla...
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  • 04/05/23

    Weekly News! w/b: 1.5.23

    What a wonderful week we have had, take a look at what we’ve been up to… Read, Write Inc This week we continued our Read, Write Inc. lessons. We have been working extremely hard in our groups and are getting the hang of our sounds, by having lots of practise! We are really improvi...
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  • 28/04/23

    Weekly News! w/b 24.4.23

    We have had another marvellous week in Year 1! The children have been trying so hard in all areas of their learning – well done to everyone! House Winners: the winning house this time are....BLUE VIKINGS! They are invitd to come in to school in their own clothes next Wednesday! Read, Wri...
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  • 20/04/23

    Weekly News! w/b 17.4.23

    What a wonderful first week back after Easter we have had! Read, Write Inc We have been working incredibly hard in our new groups this week. We have been really focussing on making sure we find the special friends first, before reading the word! After we have found the special friend we fred...
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  • 29/03/23

    Weekly News! w/b 27.3.23

    Take a look at the amazing learning we have done this week… Read, Write Inc This week we have been working extremely hard in our last Read, Write Inc sessions of Term 4. We have been really focussing on making sure we find the special friends first, before reading the word! After we hav...
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  • 22/03/23

    Weekly News! w/b 20.3.23

    Take a look at the fabulous learning we have done this week… Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We have been continuing to work hard on reading alien words like; plone, chake, emp and lig! You can play wonderful games around alien words at home, name the al...
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  • 15/03/23

    Weekly News! w/b 13.3.23

    Take a look at what we have been up to this week… Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We have been working hard on reading alien words like; plone, chake, emp and lig! You can play wonderful games around alien words at home, name the alien, where you can mak...
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  • 09/03/23

    Weekly News! w/b 6.3.23

    What a fabulous week we have had! We all wish Miss Bryson a speedy recovery! Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We continued our new books, learnt new vocabulary and worked hard with our spellings. We have been really focussing on our big writes this wee...
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  • 03/03/23

    Weekly News! w/b 27.2.23

    What a wonderful week we have had! Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We continued our new books, learnt new vocabulary and worked hard with our spellings. Please continue to perfect your reading at home by practising spotting special friends before read...
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  • 08/02/23

    Weekly News! w/b: 27.3.23

    We have loved being back this week! What an exciting start to the term. Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We started new books, earned new vocabulary and worked hard with our spellings. Our teachers thought we would forget all our special friends over the holiday...
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  • 01/02/23

    Weekly News! w/b: 30.1.23

    What a fun-filled week we have had! Read on to see what we have been learning about... Read, Write Inc This week we have continued learning our sounds. We have paid special attention to sounds that appear in words less frequently and some of us have even started learning our Set 4 further addi...
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  • 26/01/23

    Weekly News! w/b: 23.1.23

    We've been working hard this week in Year 1, read on to find out what we have been learning about... Read, Write Inc This week we have been practising how to build sentences in order to help us use our own ideas and write more independently. Some of us were reading a book about haircuts, s...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695