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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 1

Page 4

  • 08/09/23

    Weekly News! 8.9.23

    Wow, what a wonderful first week we have had together! We have danced, we have sung, we have smiled and laughed, and we have done lots of learning! We really are so lucky to have you in our classes this year - you are all super stars! English This week we have been working very hard in our Rea...
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  • 01/09/23

    Welcome back! Term 1 September 2023

    Welcome back all to Term 1! We hope you are all relaxed, recharged, and ready to get stuck in to term 1. We can’t wait to see you all on Monday 4th September and welcome you in on your first official day of Year 1.   Just a few messages and dates for you to remember...
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  • 21/07/23

    End of Year Blog

    Wow what a year it's been Year 1, Lots of learning and lots of fun, Local walks and dressing up, A sports day where Romans took the cup, Colour runs, inflatable day,  Toys, explorers and lots of play! Little Seaside Town and growing flowers,  Showing off your...
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  • 16/07/23

    BBC 500 Words Writing Competition - Summer 2023

    500 Words, the biggest children’s writing competition in the UK, is back! - Watch a video about this year's competition. 500 Words, the UK’s most successful children’s writing competition, opens on Tuesday 26 September and will run ti...
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  • 14/07/23

    Weekly News! 10.7.23

    We have had an AMAZING penultimate week to term. Read on to find out what we have been doing. Read, Write Inc The children have been continuing to work hard in their RWI sessions this week. When reading we have been encouraging children to spot the special friend in the word before sounding it...
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  • 08/07/23

    Weekly News! 3.7.23

    What a great week we have had! Read on to find out what we have been up to! Read, Write Inc The children have been continuing to work hard in their RWI sessions this week. When reading we have been encouraging children to spot the special friend in the word before sounding it out (Fred talking...
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  • 29/06/23

    Weekly News! w/b 26.6.23

    What a flower-tastic week we have had! Read on to find out what we have been up to! A HUGE WELL DONE TO ALL YEAR ONE CHILDREN FOR THEIR FANTASTIC ASSEMBLY! Read, Write Inc Each week we will be focusing on a different text as a whole class just before lunchtime. Each Friday we will be doing...
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  • 22/06/23

    Friday 23rd June 2023

    We are almost halfway through the final term! The children have had another great week in Year 1! Read, Write Inc Each week we will be focusing on a different text as a whole class just before lunchtime. Each Friday we will be doing some creative writing based on that text. This week, we have...
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  • 16/06/23

    Weekly News! w/b 12.6.23

    What a wonderful, hot and fun-filled week we have had! Read, Write Inc We cannot put into words how proud we are of all of our year 1 children and the progress they have and continue to make in their reading. When reading we have been encouraging children to spot the special friend in the word...
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  • 09/06/23

    Friday 9th June 2023

    The children have come back and settled into school life so well! The start of Term 6 has been fabulous. Read, Write Inc The children have been continuing to work hard in their RWI sessions this week. When reading we have been encouraging children to spot the special friend in the word before...
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  • 26/05/23

    Friday 26th May

    What a fabulous week to end Term 5 in Year 1! Many thanks to the parents who were able to come and support the Colour Run this afternoon. It was a wonderful way to end our learning in our PSHE topic: Be Here, Be You, Belong. Please see the photos attached at the bottom of this blog! We al...
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  • 18/05/23

    Weekly News! wb: 15.5.23

    What a fabulous week we have had! Read, Write Inc This week we continued our Read, Write Inc. lessons. We have been working extremely hard in the run up for our phonics screen, taking place after half term. We have been making sure we spot the special friend first, sound out the word then read...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695