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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 07.06.24

What a wonderful start to Term 6 we have had! The children have come back ready to learn and have all been stars this week. This week has seen us introduce the behaviour system Years 1-6 use at Chilton. This is one of the ways that we get the children Year 1 ready. This is an exciting term as we see the children continue to blossom and we help them become ready for their next chapter at Chilton!

Wingham Trip

Today we had the privilege of taking the children on their school trip to Wingham. It was a delight to see the children enjoying the trip so much and each and every child behaved so well. We had lots of fun and meeting the dinosaurs was a great hook into our new topic which we will be starting next week. Well done to all of the children for being amazing and a special thank you to the parents who volunteered to help today – we could not have done the trip without you. Thank you!

Olympian visit

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from a Junior Olympian athlete, Danny Crouch. We had an assembly with him when he told us about his gymnastics and did a backflip for us in the hall! We then did a fitness session with him and looked at his medals.



We have been continuing our Read, Write, Inc lessons in small groups. We continue to focus on speedy recall of sounds to support with segmenting and blending. Strategies we use in RWI include Fred talk to segment and blending, Fred in your head (this is the same as Fred talking, but in their head, so we can’t hear them.) This supports children’s fluency when reading. We then focus on speedy reading. This is when children are able to read words without needing to Fred talk or Fred in their head. Please continue to support your child’s reading at home.

The children will also be developing their writing this term. The children write in each RWI lesson and also do a writing task linked to our thematic lessons each week.

In your child’s reading record, they will have a new sticker explaining what their next step is with their reading. When reading with your child at home, please do focus on this skill. Thank you!


This week we have been learning to compare numbers and quantities by using words such as more than, fewer than, less than, equal to. At the end of the week, we then showed what we know about numbers from 1-10 (e.g. the number 8 is one more than 7, it is greater than 5 but smaller than 10, it is an even number, when you add 4 and 4 it makes 8). The children amazed us with how much they know about each of the numbers to 10!


Next week, we will be developing our addition skills in maths. We will be exploring what addition/adding actually means, finding out what the + and = symbols mean and using resources and jottings to solve addition calculations.


Our fact of the week this week has been: 1+9=10 (and 9+1=10)

Next week our fact of the week will be:  2+8=10 (and 8+2=10)



This week the whole school have focused on PSHE in the afternoon. In Reception, we have been thinking about how kind words can make people feel happy, safe and welcome. We also discussed how unkind words can make people feel sad and unhappy and learned about how we should react if we hear unkind words.

Next week we will be starting our learning about Dinosaurs! We will be learning what ‘the past’ means and looking at what palaeontologists do.



  • PE kits need to be worn in to school each Friday please.

  • Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.

  • All clothing to be named please!

  • Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books.


Term 6 dates:

17th June - Book fair in school

19th June - Reception assembly at 9am

5th July - 3.15-5pm Summer Fair

10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3

11th July - Music evening with Mr Redwood

12th July - School reports out to parents

15th, 16th, 17th July - Transitions days (children to spend these days with their new teachers)

18th July - Inflatable fun day

19th July - School finishes at 2pm

e-mail addresses


Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695