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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

16th December 2022

Last week for term 2!

We have had a wonderful, festive week in Reception! We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and we hope that 2023 is a fabulous year for you all!

Children return to school on Wednesday 4th January 2023.

Love to Learn: this is the task to be completed by Monday 16th January!

At the start of next term our topic will be superheroes! Your challenge over the holidays is to create your very own superhero, deciding what your outfit would look like and what your superpowers would be. We would like you to draw your super hero in your love to learn book with labels and maybe a brief description of what your super hero is like. For example, Mrs Cotton could be Goggle Girl, with the super power of making all children like swimming. Her cape could be blue with a pair of goggles drawn on the back. On Monday 16th January we will be asking the children to come to school dressed as the superhero they have created (the staff will all be dressing up as well). The costume can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like (we would like you to use resources which you have at home, rather than spending money). We hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing your designs.



We have continued our RWI sessions in small groups. All groups have continued to consolidate set 1 sounds. Before children are able to read, it is vital that they can orally blend. This is where you sound out a word e.g. c-a-t and the children put the sounds together to say the word ‘cat’. Any practise of this skill at home will really help to reinforce what the children are learning at school. You could try putting it in to instructions e.g.

· Put on your c-oa-t

· Brush your t-ee-th

At this stage, we would want the children to be orally blending 3 sound words.

This week, the children have been using their best writing to write their Christmas cards!


This week we have been consolidating our learning of numbers, repeating patterns and shapes to complete some Christmassy activities!


This week we have been learning about winter and what happens in this season. We learned what clothes we need to wear and why it is cold in this season. We have also been learning about Christmas, why it is celebrated and how it is celebrated in this country. We discussed the traditions that the children in Reception have. We also learned about Christmas traditions in different countries around the world.

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



Many thanks to parents for supporting the school over the past few weeks. We appreciate there is a lot to remember at this time of the year. Many thanks for supporting our nativity and sending in food for the Christmas party.

Art Competition

For this Terms art competition, we are asking children to design ANYTHING in the style of Yayoi Kusama. Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called 'the princess of polka dots'. Although she makes lots of different types of art – paintings, sculptures, performances and installations – they have one thing in common, DOTS!

It is up to you what you design, how you design it or how you would like to present it!

Entries are due in by 9th January – Please pass these on to your class teachers. Enjoy!



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,

Many thanks,

The EYFS Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695