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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Talking and Listening Skills Developed at Chilton


Children at Chilton Primary in Ramsgate are exploring lessons in confident communication.

Oracy - the ability to express oneself fluently and grammatically in speech – is an ongoing initiative at the school which has held a special focus week.

This concentrated on developing the physical aspects of oracy and included volume and tone of voice, expression when speaking, eye contact, gestures and stance.

Deputy Head of School Hannah Cheshire explained: “We linked our oracy work to story-telling and pupils of all ages loved re-telling their favourite stories and fairy tales, as well as making up their own stories.

“They enjoyed playing a wide variety of oracy games from trying to convince their classmates something rather strange is true, to saying mundane phrases whilst conveying a wide variety of emotions.”

Voice projection, body language, facial expressions, communicating opinion and ideas, and speaking confidently to an audience are other aspects that have been discussed and enacted.

Mrs Cheshire added: “Encouraging and developing oracy skills and techniques are important and will stand our children in good stead as they progress through their education and into the wider world.

“Oracy week gave staff and pupils the chance to focus deeply on the subject. A range of skills were honed and developed further and our pupils enthusiastically explored ideas to help them communicate more effectively. Their learning was also a lot of fun.”

Children are also busy preparing their entries for the upcoming speaker competition run by the Viking Academy Trust, of which Chilton is a partner.

Entrants will be invited to speak for no longer that two minutes about a given subject, using no screens and no props.

This year they are tasked with convincing their Head Teachers to introduce a new subject of their choice in school.

Mrs Cheshire added: “Each year we are hugely impressed at the confidence and talent on display at this competition and we cannot wait to hear our children's entries.”

Chilton Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with partner schools Ramsgate Arts Primary and Upton Junior.

*For more information contact Head of School Alex McAuley on 01843 597695.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695