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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Learning Ambassadors Encourage Fellow Pupils


Two pupils at Chilton Primary in Ramsgate are embracing important roles in the school.

Thom Pegden and Amelia English have been chosen as Maths and English ambassadors respectively after impressing when they delivered speeches about their vision for the role to members of the senior leadership team, class teachers and year group peers.

The Year 6 pair have won praise for the way they are supporting children of all ages with the delivery of the core subjects.

Amelia assists English lead Helen Rowland-Hill by managing the school's ‘reading buddies’ programme, organising the provision of books around the building, handing out reading results, helping other children find material to read and also aiding in assembly by handing out certificates and announcing ‘accelerated reader’ results.

She loves the role and said: “I enjoy helping other children with their reading and encouraging them to try out books they might not usually read.”

Thom’s main responsibility at the moment is to run the popular Maths Superheroes initiative for Key Stage 2 pupils. At lunchtimes, children are able to improve their skills and Thom times them as they answer as many times tables questions as they can in 60 seconds.

If they get 15-19 correct, they attain bronze level; 20-24 takes them to the silver stage, 25-29 reaches gold status, and more than 30 elevates them to diamond position.

Thom has been very effective at encouraging the children to do their best and he awards badges to those children who hit the various targets in a minute.

He also helps award the Times Table Rock Star certificates in assemblies and is currently assisting with the forthcoming Chilton Does Countdown assembly.

Deputy Head of School Hannah Cheshire said: “Having children inspire fellow pupils to engage with vital learning skills is a really powerful tool.

“We are proud of Thom and Amelia who are doing a fantastic job with enthusiasm, commitment and kindness – they really represent all that is good about Chilton.”

Chilton Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with partner schools Ramsgate Arts Primary and Upton Junior.


*For more information contact Head of School Alex McAuley on 01843 597695.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695