Weekly News
As an exciting exit point for our Malala Fund campaign, we wrote to our local MP, Craig Mackinlay, to ask him if he can be our Champion of Courage and speak up for us in Parliament in order to raise awareness of education around the world. From our research, we were shocked to discover that there are likely to be over 100 million girls not in education. Similarly, many children do not receive an education due to many issues, such as conflict, location or poverty. We realised how we may take our outstanding education for granted. However, we were incredibly fortunate for Mr. Mackinlay to not only respond to our letter but to come and VISIT!
He was appalled at the information we provided for us and spoke frankly about what he could do next for us. He listened to our speeches that we shared with the other year groups and praised our efforts for raising £177 for the Malala Fund. The children asked some probing questions for their MP and he replied honestly, respectfully and in depth.
Mr. Mackinlay took our letters and told us that he would read through them and do his part for this important issue. We look forward to hearing from him soon.
Year 6 were so engaged with this exit point and we would like to thank Mr. Mackinlay for taking the time to listen to us.
In maths this week, we have been continuing our work on fractions. We have ordered them and then added or subtracted them, understanding that the denominators must be the same.
In English, we planned and wrote our own stories based on Skellig. We had to think of an opener that would hook the reader (through dialogue, action or description) and include some ambitious vocabulary.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a restful half term break. Continue to read for ten minutes a day and practise times tables daily. Other than that, have a lovely holiday, ready for a hard-working term 4!
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