Weekly News
This week, we have been learning about the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. The children researched some information as our new text, 'Fire, Bed and Bone' is set at the time of this great rebellion. From their research, the children planned and wrote up a non-chronological report that explains the details of the event.
In Maths, the children learnt how to order fractions, building on their understanding of what fractions are and finding equivalents. They were excellent at adding and subtracting and used their skills to solve problems.
The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Edith Eger, a Holocaust survivor. They created a display that is now in the school hall.
Love to Learn this week is to interview a family member about how the local area has changed since they have lived here. If they are new to Ramsgate (or the surrounding towns), ask them what minor changes they have witnessed over their time here and how they think the local area will continue to change. What other questions could you ask to inform you about the changes to the local area? This study will help you with your learning in a couple of weeks' time for our new topic 'Building a Village'.