Weekly News 14.02.20
The children have worked so hard over the last couple of weeks and have earned their pizza party! On Friday morning, children applied their skills by learning about finding percentages of amounts to calculate the right amount of each ingredient. It was great fun to knead the pizza bases (and at times rather sticky!) but everyone got involved. The real fun was choosing the toppings - olives, pineapples, ham, pepperoni, peppers, tomatoes, chicken, to name just a few - with of course dollops of grated cheese! Cleverly, some children chose to shape their bases into hearts for Valentine's Day.
The children also wrote a narrative in their best books, weaving action, dialogue and description to engage the reader. It was vital to use ambitious vocabulary and a range of punctuation to grip the readers' attentions.
In topic, we took a walk to the local area (see previous post) to see how it has changed. We discovered an abandoned hoverport and began to ask questions why. We also predicted what will happen to this land in the future. From this, the children have been beginning to create their own housing developments and presenting this in their own ways. They took into account who might want to live there and what they would need.
We hope you have a lovely half term break. School will start again on Tuesday 25th February, which will be PERSONAL CHALLENGE DAY! Children across the school will be invited to wear sporty clothing in celebration and preparation for physical activities.
For Love to Learn, we would like you to rest up after your efforts this term, ready for next term. Of course, make sure you spend time outside in the fresh air; with loved ones doing the things you enjoy and with a good book! Have a terrific half term holiday!