Friday 4th February 2022
Well done to Year 5 for another wonderful week. We loved all of your amazing Number Day outfits.
In English this week, we have started reading Tennyson's classic poem, 'The Lady of Shalott'. We have been focused on figurative language and started the week with some artwork showing Shalott before writing a setting description before moving on and planning and writing a character description of the Lady, after reading part two of the story. Next week, we will be writing a letter from the Lady to Sir Lancelot.
In Maths this week, we have been continuing to look at fractions. We focused on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa before moving on to multiplying fractions. Next week, we will work on simplifying fractions and scaling up and down to solve problems. We also enjoyed a wonderful Number Day we we played TTRS, Who Wants to be a Mathionnaire?, a range of other Maths games and completed a range of fun Maths activities.
In Topic this week, we have moved on to creating our squares for our class blankets. After designing them last week, we sewed them this week. We practised how to sew a running stitch on Monday then used these skills through the rest of the week to stitch felt designs we have made onto our felt squares. Next week, we will be looking at the Science part of our Material World topic as well as focusing on Online Safety for PSHE.
Home Learning
Two MyMaths tasks, one on improper fractions and mixed numbers and one on multiplying fraction have been set to be completed.
PE will continue to take place on a Wednesday. Children should come to school in (weather appropriate) PE kit. Please can we ensure that children are in the CORRECT PE kit (blue/black tracksuit and white t shirt)
Sports Project's final session will be next Tuesday. In Term 4, a bonus PE session will continue in its place. Children should come to school in normal school uniform and trainers on Tuesdays,
Please could children continue to read frequently and quiz on AR. Children should be reading at home a minimum of four times a week.
As part of Mental Health week, Friday 11th February is 'Dress to Express' Day. Children are invited to express themselves by wearing bright colours on this day (no donation required).